

Game: Chapter 1 - Novice Discovery
In a provincial town in Mindanao Philippines, a grade schooler lives a humble life of farming together with his family. His name is Isidro and he loves to play. After school, he runs immediately back home to help with the chores and answer his school assignments. These were the prerequisites of his mother in order for him to join friends outside in playing. Isidro and his friends are acquainted with traditional games like flying a kite, tag, stick batting (siatong), kick the can (bato lata) etc. Sometimes, he plays with a make shift stick guide to manuever a used bicycle tire.

Keeping with the trend, these kids dream also of acquiring smartphones to play the latest digital game applications. Although rural areas have slow network receptions but the yearning to brag and share the excitement experienced in playing is more overwhelming. One day a schoolmate brought a phone in school and everyone was so amaze and wants to borrow it. It was a Wednesday and Isidro was one of the room cleaners after class. Upon doing his task, he notice a glimmer under a chair and it was the phone. His classmate must have forgotten or loss track of it through borrowing amidst the new-found popularity. Since the owner has already gone home and if he shares the information, that he has found a smartphone, with the other cleaners then they will lay borrowing claims. Contrary to his peers who are aggressive, Isidro was way shy and reserve. He snuck the smartphone in his pocket so that nobody can notice. His plan was just to borrow it also and return it back tomorrow to its owner.

On the way home, wondered if the phone security password is disabled and luckily it was because the owner got frustrated opening it for the people who has borrowed. Upon arriving home, Isidro hastily finish his chores. He opened the smartphone and played with the varied gaming applications. His browsing led to a discovery that he can add other free games from the play store. In order to do this he needs to connect to a network. Interestingly, he and his cousin during last vacation, found a spot up the hill behind their house where now and then you can capture a signal.

Isidro stationed at the site downloaded a gaming application that caught his attention. The game is created by PROPHET Inc. and it was a drone simulator called BETA. What makes it more interesting is the mission objectives of shooting targets. It fascinates anybody because of the open world genre with realistic layouts. Isidro played it for hours and found out he was innately very good at it even if it was his first time playing. He has completed all the missions but you can still gather materials to upgrade your drone. In addition, completing a twenty-four hour time-lapse is needed in order to update the mission objectives log.

It was very late in the evening, the mother of Isidro was already calling for it is time to sleep because classes starts early the next day. Before the lesson began, Isidro returned the smartphone to the owner and explained how the smartphone came to his possession. His classmate was cool about it and had assumed that somebody forgot to return it. It also slipped his notice which is why he did not worry at all. So everything was just fine for the gadget was returned to him in good condition. The day ran its usual course for the lives of Isidro and classmates as if nothing happened or is it?
© benzene march