

The ever changing
This story will change the way you look at yourself and the people around you.

“Mum, Are you okay?. Mum I’m off too school can you walk me today. Dad I’m sacred. Dad can you take me to the amusement park. Ma’am would you please help me?. Friend, would you do me a favor?.”
There is a simple time in your life that people have been among you. Which have helped you through tough times and Have helped you over come something. Those difficult days —
When no one was around, have you found yourself enough to help them today. Because today you are now older and wiser, some of you have kids of your own. A Parent you’ve become? Do they listen?. Have you truly adventured your aspects of knowing what would have been if you hadn’t dropped out of school or college or have went further with your studies or simple tasks like making your bed or taking out the trash or helping your mum today in the kitchen just to make someone else’s day easier. Have you truly become who you are today. Maybe you wanted to become a doctor, a teacher, an engineer. Someone that matters to yourself, there is a mirror in which we all face. And it is a reflection of who we thought we might have become. It isn’t the mirror of reality, it is simply the mirror of dreams. Yes, their is others who have different sets of mirrors as like a mirror of achievements. Because today you might not have that suit on or your favorite sports kit on. But in that mirror of goals you see it. So you see that mirror in a few days, months, years. And you wearing that suit. That sports kit. You’ve achieved. So you look again in your mirror of goals. What do you see today? What would you want to be tomorrow or the next day or the day after that or even in the next few years. We all live in different lives, yet we face the same problems of regret, fear, illusion and dreams. But I’d like to say that regret will hold you longer in that period of time where you think you could or couldn’t. Stop! Many fear the leap of becoming or fear the edge of failure. Fear is the biggest distraction in humanity. For some have achieved great things from over coming it. Fear isn’t something you can overcome in a day. Fear is something you fight at. throughout your life to be or become who you want to be. To do, TO DO MORE!! Every single day. Your homework is the same as everyone else’s. Why not challenge yourself in doing more so you better yourself. Work, it’s hard, difficult and it will beat you up into asking yourself how? How can i do this everyday? You got the answer — your kids, there school and there lives are important. So what’s stopping you from going to study further to give them and give you or your wife/husband a better life. — TIME. Time is a but a simple clock which you see day and night and you do the samething over and over, maybe at the end of the year you decide to take a break and go away with your family. But what happens after that break? You working again, the same job. The kids are getting older, new grade, new friends. But are you the same person? In life it is a constant and everlasting cycle. In this life, life doesn’t change. But the buildings do, the scenery, the people around you. And you can choose to change that outcome. Don’t go with the flow, only dead fish go with it.
Aristotle said, “You are what you repeatedly do.” Therefore, excellence ought to be a habit, not an act.
This life is a constant repeat. Your mum, your dad has lived it. Some of them may not be around to see it.
But you’re kids see it, make it better for them.
It’s harder and more difficult. If they living your grandparents would tell you how much
They’d pay for something in there time. Or how was dating back in there generations.
Sickness has become more difficult. Jobs are less.
The world by men only by them have made it more and more.
We cannot just survive. We can further on because it is our generation.
Your kids future. Let them see you in the form of excellence.

This how the world looks
And you are in it weather you like it or not.
Let the world know you. The lion, The brave, Strong and Willing.
“This world is a perfectly good mess, in which i, intend to clean.”