

the woman and the fox
One day, a sad woman walks into the temple. She had to choose between her dreams and her fears. She rose her eyes towards the shrine where she could finally see the nine tailed fox. She didn't seem to notice it until that day. She found it painfully glorious, bright, peaceful and compassionate. That was the moment when her feet were swiped away, fell to her knees and cried honestly, wholeheartedly, in a liberating sobbing, with warm tears, washing away all the saddness and disappointment. The crying stopped and she dared raise her head and saw him. A tall, beautiful, young man. Long silver hair, grey eyes, traditional clothing embracing his delicate, inhuman body.
"Are you done crying?" he asked her with the softest voice she had ever heard.
"What? Who are you?" murmured slightly frightened towards the young man
"I am you. I am the open hearted version of you. I apologize for frightening you, but I am here if you feel like talking"
"Why would I talk to you? I don't even know you. What can you possibly know about me?"
"I know what you refuse to see and acknowledge. I can see through you. You are the pages of my book. I greedily read you every day and wonder at the miracle you are. Tell me, what do you feel now?"
" I feel too much. Can't speak about it"
"How about you try. Let the words of your soul turn into music for my ears only"
"I am angry, I am in pain, my body hurts, my heart hurts, my soul is bathing into the darkest waters of betrayal and disappointment. My reason is holding my hand...even this part of me tells me to cry, otherwise it couldn't suppress all these feelings. I am angry and I hate him for loving me too much and not loving me enough now. I am clouded in disbelief...in him. I feel I can move the mountains if I want. I feel like I can't give up the fight for what I want and desire and love. I am torn apart between dreams and reality. I feel like staying awake to see what comes next, but I also feel like sleeping all the troubles away. I know who I am."
"Then accept these grey eyes of mine and look closer into my soul. Tell me what do you see"
He approached her, placed his godly soft hands on her face, and lent her his eyes.
That is when she saw it. The true colours of her soul. She saw kindness, patience, compassion, love, forgiveness, hatred, anger, creation, destruction, fire, ice, light, wisdom, revenge, beauty, carelesness, vulnerability, intelligence, desire, dreams, nightmares. That was the first time looking at herself, complety naked, no rules to follow, only the sound of the universe whispering "you must do it. This is who you are. Don't be ashamed, for you are a god who can do anything. There is no right or wrong, only you. Just be."
That was it. As the fabric of time stretched to encompass her world, the young man took his eyes back, looked at her and asked:
"What will you do now?"
"I need to move forward and love all these different feelings that I harbor in my soul. I must treasure this waterfall that we call life. I should probably accept who I am"
"I am going to tell you this only once. Do you want to marry me? All I can say is that I will make you see the unseen. I will be your demon and your guardian angel. I will be your friend and your enemy, your lover, your undisclosed desires. I have been searching for you for thousands of years. What is your answer?"
"Yes. I will take it all. All of you, into all of me."
"There is one condition though. You must keep in mind to always act according to what you trully and honestly desire, no matter the battles you have to win, no matter what people say, do or think. What do you say?"
"I do. I need you too much"
A bright light surrounded the temple and the woman fell to the old ground. After a couple hours she woke up and looked in the temple's mirror, only to see herself whole again. She was the silver nine tailed fox all along. She split herself thousands of years ago, hoping to burry the dark feelings she had throughout her lives. She had finally decided to reunite with herself, and fight the wars with her highest principles. She had finally stopped running away from herself.