

'' Why are you buying sanitary pads and tampons babe? You don't need those. ''
Babe said jokingly removing the pads from the trolley and I gave him the weird look as i felt strong period pains.

Girl! When your boyfriend says this to you, please take a hint. As long as you are having unprotected sex without any prevention plan, just know that he knows what he did. I always thought that as a woman you can always tell when a man leaves his seed. Stupid huh? Very stupid indeed.

There i was drinking a whole litre of cranberry tea in preparation for the devil that is period pains. Boy did i not vomit so painfully. My body temperature was as high as high could be. This to me was normal as my period pains are extreme.

'' Who the hell opened the fridge? '' That was me yelling all the way from my bedroom. My younger brother was genuinely just making breakfast in the kitchen and my nose had to get the strongest smell of garlic. The weird part is that garlic is my favorite. But at that moment, its smell was so pungent it made me mad.

The day that i expected my red angry friend was hell. Paracetamols weren't of any use. Camomile tea did nothing to my nerves either. I was a mess and I felt pain right inside my womb. '' Yup! This is going to be one hell of a period." I thought to myself. My best friend found me curled up in bed and asked if mrs bloody blood is giving me hell. Ha! Bloody blood was being patiently waited for despite all those pains.

I have this thing whereby my dreams alert me of situations beforehand. So i did dream of myself pregnant, giving birth, feeding a baby and playing with a baby. All in that order. But because of my period pains and doctors having confirmed that my land was barren I partly ignored the universe's signs.

Fifteen days later I asked "Mr. Why are you buying sanitary pads, '' to buy a damn pregnancy test.

The instructions said it was best to use early morning pee. Who has that patience to wait? Curiosity got the best of me and I went to the bathroom with the pee collector. From there i gave it to the mr to carry out the test. Eow! Not so much. Lol! Pee isn't disgusting, mr isn't afraid to wash my boogied handkerchief.
He put a drop of pee onto the pee stick and two dark lines formed immediately. Miss "waiting for my period, '' bursted into tears and mr mr took his jacket without saying a thing. He put his shoes on and I was like, "yup, not surprised he's running away." African men literally disappear when they get you pregnant.

I sobbed and started making plans on how to tackle single motherhood. Don't blame me for overthinking because mr took his jacket and took off without saying a word. Twenty minutes later he comes back and found me staring at the test stick. One would think I hoped for the results to change. Nope. That didn't even cross my mind. I was shocked a little as I had been declared a fruitless tree.

"I don't believe these results." Mr said as he sat on the bed right next to me and I had nothing to say.

"We should get another test tomorrow." He added rubbing the back of his head like a man in trouble.

"What exactly do you want to confirm from a retest?" I asked hiding the disappointment I felt towards him.

"This vomiting, strong sense of smell, periods coming late, that is not new to you right?"

(To be continued)
© baonebridget