

Wonderer of the nights
Have you ever wonder, why are you still awake during this late night? Maybe, you are imagining some poetic romances in your head. Maybe, you are thinking about the person that you adored? Or maybe you are having a late night talk with the person that you like? Have you told him you like him? If no, I don't know what to say. But to tell you the story of my soon love story.

It was the best day of my life. I was enrolling for college, my hands are trembling but not really. First, I was nervous because enrolling for college is kind of new to me. I haven't done serious enrolling in my life, like paying your tuition on the cashier. I don't even know some enrolling terms like; units, load and fee. I never pay tuition because my education is so far free, back then. But then, I saw you wearing a black cap with you typical outfit of white v-neck shirt and a black pants and just random Adidas black shoes that you always wear. I can picture it as the new version of James Dean. You are the first one who approach me, we know each other back then. You asked about my course and I am surprise that you are enrolling to this school and taking the same course as I am. It was pretty romantic to me, when you wait for me to finish some forms. We ride a Jeepney going back home. The following weeks it was the start of our class. You see, college is new to me. I know I don't have a mate to keep me positive or to cheer me up. I admit it, I always need someone to cheer me up during those days that I am afraid. Just like the first Monday of my college life. I am somehow excited to go to school, because I can skip my household chores, on the other hand I am afraid to what lesson I may face. It was the first time that I attempt to code, I didn't know what to do. Yet, there you are. Sitting beside me, telling me to copy your codes. And if it wasn't for that moment I am still unknown to Java Programming.

From the start of this new chapter of my life, you we're there. Giving me advices, company and support. We became bestfriends.?

Ps: I can't continue this story because it's quite late. If you want for the next chapter comment down and follow me if you like.

© KaponoMoonblood