

Beyond What is Seen
It is not abnormal to see a camera expert take into a camera what they wish nor is it uncommon for a novice to handle the camera and take in whatever "They" think seems fit. Every aspect of a camera has its purpose and this purpose adds to the beauty of the camera. A purpose not well used can either diminish the beauty of the camera or the image it presents but this doesn't mean it can not be fixed as the problem is not in the image nor the camera but its settings which now serve as a barrier to its function. Managing the default and taking in different images till its card is full, will make it difficult to sort out aesthetic, beautiful, and proper images in all the mess it has taken.

I'm not a camera expert or photographer educating you on how to use a camera. No! Neither am I here to enlighten you on the benefit of the camera settings (that is not my headache). But as the title suggests, "Beyond What is Seen" and how it affects the image produced is the focal point of discussion. My Spiritual Father, Reverend Barnabas Alumogie, does emphasize on listening to the "Word" (Word of God) and selecting your "Company" wisely (not the capitalist company) as this greatly impacts who you are. Wow! Who could have thought the things you give ears to and your company, have a way of modeling your perceptions? The words you listen to and the company you keep, don't just impact your perceptions but also serve as the ISO and "F-number" of your perception like they do on camera. You don't know their functions, I think it is time to visit Mr. Google (laugh! I'm just kidding but find out)

Enumerating how these two, what you listen to and the company you keep, affect the ISO and the F-number of your perception: just like their function on the image produced by a camera so also is their effect on our perception; it is either blur, noisy, or clear. When you amass and digest every word, advice, and even knowledge sometimes (as there are good and bad ones) that comes your way without being intentional about it you might end up having a noisy and unfocused perception thinking they are bright ideas.
Don't forget in the introductory part of this article, it was different aspects of the camera which perform purposes and add to the beauty of the camera. What makes us humans uniquely different and beautiful too is our ability to relate, communicate, share emotions... etc but these also serve different functions in building up our perceptions. Just like what makes a camera are the components that differentiate it from a smartphone and how it is been used, the same to all these beautiful aspects of our lives. This is why we all have different perceptions of things.

What we take in can be filtered and reset and the easiest way to do this is to take note of the "Word"(what we give ears to) and the "Company"(our association) because what lies between what is seen and what is thought is perception shaped by individual human relationships. These two majorly shaped our perception which can not be tamed but trained.
© Ayo_bami
Photo credit: @Charis