

Street Fighters2 Pt.4 Stepper
(On 9:00 p.m, Penny and stacey reached the underground battle there was a line for the registration)

Rude Women : So what's your name pitty?

Penny : Huh... Pe..

Stacey : Wait! you shouldn't tell your real name.

Penny : But why?

Stacey : Oh understand just a keep a fighter nickname.

Penny : So what..... I think the stepper is nice.

Stacey : Seriously?

Penny : Yes

Rude Women : So should I write stepper?

Penny : Yeah

Rude Women : Get ready to break your bones little girl. You are the only girl here. So you have to fight the boys.

Stacey : That is a bad idea

Penny : OK, I am ready

Stacey : But...

Penny : My pop taught me that the best doesn't count on genders and is only one.

Victor : Great thought! Your father knows better than you.

Penny : Victor you also?

Stacey : looks like many boys of our college wanted to be a street fighter.

Penny : I will make them loose one by one.

Victor : We will see about that

(First Round The stepper Vs Chandler)

Victor : The stepper. Seriously?

Stacey : Oh you have the match with the bully of our college.

Penny : Yeah I know

(Chandler from a distance taunting penny that she will loose)

To Be Continued.........