

The definition of life
Never sit back and mourn at your negative situation.Just because things are not going well for you,it doesn't mean you are incapable of reaching your success.Face the world and learn to take life however it comes at you.

Everyone in this world is creative and special, that means we are constructive.Own your intelligence,own your mistakes and learn from them.Do not let "what will people say" take over your life.

It is never easy to fight the pressure in a favour of the pleasure to take over but it is worth a try.The best part is that,no one can empower your mindset except you.The most significant thing to do,is to love and appreciate yourself.

Do not let people judge you by your ability to do things cannot do,they will get used to what you are good at and accept you.

The best advice for you comes from you.Inspire yourself because the definition of your life is very much important.Approve what you think is best for you,let your simplicity to produce the marvelous and live to see good things happening for you.

Ensure that you protect what makes you feel special all the time.The only way to do that ,is to keep yourself stronger than before by choosing to never quit on yourself.Always feel comfortable with who you are and know exactly where you belong.
Love and respect what you do because nothing can ever make you feel great than being real with yourself,not forgetting to keep your strong mind going by being as productive as possible.
Your life matters,live and let live.

-Given Lepelle

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