


Hi, everyone. This will be a short story about cats, since I love cats. & I will be a character in this fiction story. I will use my own name.


2 elderly women were sitting on a park bench, having a conversation with each other about cats. 1 of them said that she was wishing she had a cat for her 4-year old grandson. I butted in their conversation & said, "Hi. I also love cats."

& they said, "Really?"

I said, "Yeah. I love them SO much, but I'm homeless on the streets".

They said, "What's your name, hun?"

I said, "Candy Grandpre".

They responded, "Candy? Is Candy your REAL name?"

& I said, "Yes. I have a twin sister, named Brandy."

Then, they got excited & said that they love twins as much as I love cats. They had an idea for me to go head over to CatLand with them & see if I can find a pair of 2 small kittens that look alike. & then I can keep 1 for myself, while Mrs. Jeannie Scott takes the other cat to her grandson, Scottie. Mrs. Lurlene Montgomery had us get in the car & forgot that I mentioned that I was homeless. So therefore, I can't get a pet of my own. Then Mrs. Jeannie laughed & said, "Well, I don't know how Scottie will be able to take care of 2 kittens, but I'm pretty sure he can make it."

So, we arrived at CatLand, & they described the store to be like Petco or something, but specifically for cats. & DogLand was across the street. There was a suggestion box in each store about what kind of store everyone wanted to see opened up next, whether it be FerretLand, TurtleLand, IguanaLand, FrogLand, FishLand, ChinchillaLand, etc. & 1 kid cried because he was surprised that there was no MonkeyLand or any "Land" of any animals that you typically see at the zoo. Like "SheepLand", "LlamaLand" or "EmuLand".

At both CatLand & DogLand, people who needed an emotional support animal but couldn't afford one, could spend 2 hours a day at either store, for free. Also, it was by appointment only & a waiting list. So, you might not get to see the animals every single day that they're opened.

The 2 ladies were kind of surprised, disappointed & saddened that people couldn't spend time with the animals, due to Covid-19. (At least we can roam around & shop, but we weren't allowed to pet or touch the cats or dogs.) There was this BIG, obese white cat who kept meowing & was begging to be pet or held. But that cat was TOO BIG & so heavy! Funny how, when we went across the street to DogLand, there was a dirty-colored, underweight-looking miniature schnauzer doing the same thing. Crying & whining to be held & pet.

We went back to CatLand, & I found a brown & black striped cat with green eyes, & also a cat that looked just like either Garfield or Heath Cliff. More like a mixture of both. So, Mrs. Jeannie wanted both of those for her grandson. She asked me to suggest what to name them. They were 2 females. I'm from New Orleans, & I thought about the Cajun Queen & Creole Queen boats. (In real life, there's no more Cajun Queen boat. Just Creole Queen. Not sure what happened to Cajun Queen. In 2003, doing temp service work, I worked on both of those.) So I named the brown & black kitten "Creole", while I named the orange kitty "Cajun". Mrs. Lurlene asked me which cat I think the grandson would like more. I said, "I don't know. It's a hard choice for me." After that, they went to buy the 2 cats.

We all laughed & walked out of the store. Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet little Scottie because we had to part ways, & the ladies dropped me off at my homeless sleep spot outside. They told me that if they saw me the next month still on the streets, they would treat me out to breakfast & also pay for me a week in a hotel room.

The Gang Stalking perps must've gotten to them, or they probably forgot. Because 3 months had passed, & I never heard from or saw those 2 women again.

The End

© Candy Grandpre