

Help someone else even if you barely have enough to give
The severely malnourished child was on the verge of death. I quickly set up an IV to give him much needed nutrition and other supplements.
Hours later when he was stable I turned in anger upon the illiterate father " Why are you starving this child? He needs proper food! "
Tears dropped down the broken, skeletal man who stood before me with folded hands. "Look around you, Doctor Sahib, the land is dead. We have no food."
I stood there just staring at them. I wondered when the last time they ate. I had a flashback. I remembered that in my locker my mom made to much food again. "Hold on." I told the man. I suspect that man was the father of the boy. I came back and gave the food to the father. "Why are you doing this?" asked the Father of the boy. I told him to come every week to get some food from me. I then told him why I was doing this. "I'm doing this because I was in your son's shoes before. So you ask me to look around myself that the land is dead but it's not. You just have to believe. So you see I survived because I helped other people even if I had barely anything to give and soon I got on the internet. I got donated some money and I wanted to be a doctor to help sick children and adults. I finished my degree and paided the same charity that helped me to help others like I was."
The father was on the verge of the tears. He thanked me so many times. I even gave him a place at my house until he finds a proper job, getsn enough money to buy his own house. After the child got better they stayed at my house. The father found a job, got enough money and bought his own house. I was walking on the street and saw the same man and child but them helping someone else. That made me feel happy. The poorman got a bag of food and I went there every week. They were there too. I was proud that they helped some else.

Help someone else even if you don't have enough to give. It will make them happy. Be grateful of what you have because some people are grateful for even half a sandwich. Some people wish what we have right now.