

difference between tired and lazy.
let's first discuss about tired. Tired is when someone have worked really hard and desire to take a rest, not just for too long or sleep.

Lazy is someone who have been I'm able to do something, and are always weak to do it.

When you're tired, you deserve to take a rest because you work really hard. Nobody can judge or insult you about that.

only the lazy one could be insulted. they could be scolded because they never even do anything. (in my land, there is no food for a lazy people). Lazy are the people who doesn't need to be praised. Why?? not like they've done something impossible.

now, if you are lazy, stop considering yourself tired. stand up and make people proud instead of being a jerk.

I believe that one day some of you with shine.

speaking of tired, do not give up in whatever you know you can do.