

A Good Sunday (chapter 1)
Introduction to the story:

This story is based on a life of a girl Clara Jennifer Martins, who is tired of her life problems and being unable to get rid of them, she hires a well - known professional physcarist. She almost spends all of her salary to go through phycological therapy. lets go through Clara's life to find out if she really finds it helpful or everything gets more complicated. This story is highlighted on a teenager's life who wants to approach for help but can't find people who could give us some time and that's the reason why a teenager feels it more better to approach a special person who could help them out. This story is based on a teenager's life alike Clara who deals with lot of stuff and anxieties and finds sources to overcome them.

Clara Jennifer Martins is sixteen year old teenager, who stays in Portugal. Clara's dad is a hard working business man who earns a good amount and often ends up half of his income in having parties with his friends. On the other hand, Clara's mother has a post of a principal at the most popular higher secondary college. Clara's mom as well as her dad earns a lot with their busy and proffesional lifestyle. Clara haven't finished her schooling yet, and finally hopes for years to pass within no time. Clara always stays insecure for losing her besties Jane and Kelly as they're with her till she joined her school and have lot of memories.

One day, after coming back from school Clara planned to have a photoshoot at her room itself since, her dad gifted her a nice and expensive camera on her last birthday. she loved it! as the camera clicks clear and high dimension photos like proffesional. Clara had her lunch, then she took ten minutes to choose an outfit. Later, she tried out different hair styles and for trying out all hairstyles that she knew, took her twenty-five minutes. Finally, she wore her simple black outfit which looked pretty gorgeous. As she looked herself in her mirror, she took five minutes to stare at her own look! Ahh! she realised that there's something still lacking! but what? she questioned her own self. Clara thaught and thaught, and she finally understood what was lacking... yeah, makeup! so she took out her mother's makeup box from drawer, some matte lipsticks coloured of pink, red and orange, a brush, artificial eye lashes, eyeliner, mascara and a foundation cream. she took a few minutes to decide what to apply first. Ohh yeah, the foundation cream!

Clara almost finished her makeover look within an hour. Half an hour she too wondering how to apply eye shadows, eyeliner and mascara as she was trying these products the first time. She exclaimed and said, “wow, what a new me! ” she was unable to recognise her own self. She liked her look as she tried out all products by her own self. she quickly fitted the camera at a right place and then she clicked all photos by herself with lot of poses. Suddenly she got a “ting”sound from her phone, she took a break of one minute to check “Ohh, instagram notification! Kelly has posted a new pic! let's check out! . Clara opened her instagram account to check Kelly's new post. As she saw, she was stunned. “what a hot and sexy look” she murmured . As Clara took her eyes little down to the likes and comments, she got more desperate as all of her classmates and even her crush Tim had liked her post!

Clara got damn dissapointed and wanted to have better photoshoot than Kelly. And so Clara thaught that her outfit isn't hot enough to make her look sexier and damn gorgeous so she took all outfits out of her cupboard and messed up her room she tried each of her outfit but nothing made her look hotter than Kelly. Clara had no idea what to do! and if she place an order for something her parents would come to know so she planned to cut her one of her black T-shirt and make it look like a crop top and one of her jeans into a short pant. Clara was too angry and sad she just took a sissor and cut her clothes in a very untidy manner that made her look very ugly. Before Clara's mind would awaken to get her all senses at work to make her realise that what she did would dissapointed her and make her feel embarrassed she posted her most ugly pic on her social media. Clara only had one thing in her mind! that she wanna look more sexier than Kelly.

Clara posted, and she slept on her bed to take a nap as she was very tired.

1 hour later...
“ting” “ting” “ting” her phone was full of upcoming notifications. Clara's sleep was disturbed as she was very anxious to see how many likes and what comments did she receive. But as Clara saw that all her classmates were making fun of her in comments she went in deep distress. she received comments such as hot monkey, ugly, funny dumbo, poor lady and 32 more inappropriate comments by boys. But Clara only wanted to know what Tim thinks about her, so she scrolled little down and she saw two laughing emoji that expressed that her pic was too funny. Clara lost her mind and behaved like mad. She cried out aloud and threw all the furniture down and messed up her entire room.

2 hours later...
ting ting, the door bell rang. But Clara was in deep distress so she couldn't hear the bell ring. Suddenly, Clara's phone began to ring and Clara just peeped to see.. and it was her mom! “ oh! God! mom! ” she said and rushed to open the door. As Clara's mother entered, she inquired that where she was when she first range the door bell? and didn't she hear the constant ringing bell? what was she doing? and hundred more questions. Clara wasn't in the state to answer and so, she ignored and walked straight away to her room and locked herself.
“knock” “knock”her mother knocked the door.

Clara's mother asked her to open the door, but there wasn't any respond. Clara's mother again asked to open the door, but still no response! now in a harsh and arrogent voice Clara's mother told her to open the door! suddenly, Clara opened the door. As Clara's mother entered in, she saw the messed up room and she got even more angry.

1st chapter ended.

soon going to be back with second chapter.

#happywritting :-)

© Pacheco veenita