

The 80s young adults vs The 2020 young adults
This is a very interesting subject that I was asked to write about recently. I almost didn’t because of the 2020 young adults ((cancel culture)(The New ignorant American)(Tantrum Nation) Those who have no respect for anyone’s opinions except their own. Now I will say for the 40 percent of you who do not fall under this category I am sorry but this was asked of me and now I’m going to compare the two generations.
In the last part of the 70s and beginning of the 80s we were not the perfect generation of young people but what we did have was respect,morals ,common sense and the courtesy to listen to our elders and piers on their ideas without attacking them or making them feel uncomfortable or beating them down because their ideas didn’t fit what we thought it should
We listened and talked about it sometimes we went away mad and sometimes they did ,but that was it Our morals were different we didn’t think robbing taping and murdering was a acceptable and people should be let go right away to commit more crimes but this generation allow innocent people to be killed and hurt and says the victims are the criminals
The 2020 generation can’t hold a conversation about anything without any attacking people who disagree with them
Violence is their answer for everything. Their lack of understanding or research on any subject is disgusting.They just jump to conclusions and attack not caring who they hurt or what they destroy. burning down neighborhoods but no realizing that the place they are burning down ,are the same place people that they are supposed to be helping ,now they have nowhere to shop or see their doctor shopping , because they don’t think
They protest at the drop of a hat not knowing the full story because some dumb ass professor told them something not checking that same loser professor has never done anything in his whole life but teach hate
Give you examples Allah says Whomcver kills an innocent person is like killing all humanity
It also states Islam is to protect innocent and unarmed people and the land and buildings This comes from the Quran
So the people who they are walking with break their own laws every single day also in1941 the mofit or Iran came to Hitler wanting to help kill all Jews but the young people no nothing about this nor do they know Palistime was offered a two state solution twice before and they refused because they wanted it all no just some of the land. These are things that we in the 80 would have taken the time to learn
Then we have gender ,we didn’t have this problem we had gay straight and bi sexual and no one really cared we let people love who they wanted and they had trans men and women back then so they didn’t try and force us to pronoun nor did they attack children in elementary school trying to change their genders but this generation has no problem with doing that
Do they realize how many divides they will cause. no they don’t and sooner or later they will hurt the lgbtq community because of their own egos and bias
We didn’t push our values or ideas on everyone else but ourselves we also weren’t delusional about it
What it is it is Selfish people that a trans women is a lesbian ( this is a man who couldn’t get a woman as a man and it is dangerous)that is to much for anyone or a trans woman wanting to play woman sports. (A man who could not make it the male sports )now we would not have done this in our generation because this it isn’t about the trans people it became about selfish people and egotistical people to take advantage of true trans people struggles to make themselves more than what they were as a male .
Now this is not all but these are the ones who took advantage of the times but they aren’t here because of their feelings they come with a different agenda and it not good.
it just doesn’t work or a trans man arguing with a doctor about a period stating they can’t have a period because they are a man . The other side. saying a man can have a period because they are a trans man .It doesn’t work that way So what someone wants to be different from when they were born no one cares until you push it on other people.

We had our problems we had drugs weed ,lsd hash and other drugs .we partied we fought amongst ourselves but we never blamed others for our issues . When a police officer told us to do something we did it or we would be punished or beat plain and simple
That is tha biggest difference between the two generations we accepted what was ,at least 80 percent of us who cared about the 20 %who had issues .
We just never forced others into our opinions or beliefs because the one thing we knew that they will learn sooner or later that you push to hard and someone decides enough is enough and that when everything ends
We would never back or support any place that would kill us if we lived where they did aka Palestine .Walk down the streets in Gaza with your signs of protest or lgbtq You would die no doubts about that .No other country would put up with what is done here by this generation
This 2020 generation for the most part will be the most dangerous and damaging to humanity itself because they can’t except who they are, what they want and where they are going
A country run on” I identify “is a country running on a fantasy story . Unfortunately the losers we have as teacher and professors have taught them not only to hate the country but to hate themselves and the body they were born in
Our generation and teachers and professors taught subjects that they were supposed to not what is done today. We saw the death and suffering caused by the government and we tried to vote for the right person Here this generation doesn’t they just vote for who they are told too it a sad outlook

So the difference between the two generations is that one could listen and be tolerant and accepting of others and the rights of all . We were not delusional in believing or making up genders to be self important.We didn’t live in a fantasy world where we think we can keep burning and protesting and think we are changing the world . We would never call for the death of a people like they are doing . We just wanted to live in a fair country if we had a protest it was a peaceful on with a true meaning not one of a threat of violence

This generation will wake up a part of the country that they don’t want to meet ever .We won’t step in and help you but our generation will pick up the pieces and move on with our country and our future generations because this generation the 2020 young adults won’t make it to a ripe old age because they don’t have the survival skills or the instinct to get along with others

#askedto do this
#notmeant to offend
© Robert prezioso