

A Perfect Picture... Through A Camera Lens
A full moon. A starry night. The shimmery waters, glistening in the unfiltered moonlight. The hull of a tattered boat. A dainty hand breaking the lull of the blue. The cool water leaving behind is trace on the ivory hand. A bracelet with some initials on it, a trinket of some sort.

A beach side house, a humble dwelling. White, flowing curtains in the cool, mild breeze. A flickering glimpse of a white satin gown. The ankle adorned with black beads. A center table with a quaint vase. Twenty stems of red roses sitting in it. On those petals, few random drops of dew. In those drops, the dull yellow light from the chandelier being reflected, multifold.

Soft foot falls entering the bedroom. A low grunt. The brawny body, slowly turning. Half opened sleepish eyes. A wide smile on seeing the silhouette of the loving face.

Gliding into the pale blue satin sheets and sliding into the open arms. A soft kiss on the forehead and pulling into a warm hug. Spooning and lying two as one. Hours fleeing by with nothing to break the embrace. Warm breaths and calm heartbeats. A sleepy peck here and there.

The mellow sunrays, fading in through the white curtains. The morning light, creeping up slowly through the window, touching the faces, giving them a rosy hue. The beginning of a new day, with stronger bonds and ever growing love.

© Prachi Shukla - The Untamed