

Be mine
It was a glorious, colorful autumn.
We’d just left the coffee shop. When we walked by, she had giggled and pulled me inside
I don’t like coffee. I never had. But when she handed me my cup and looked into my eyes while I tried it, it was the best thing I’d ever tasted.
My hand still tingled where she grabbed it.
As we walked through the park with our drinks, a light drizzle began to fall. She pulled out an umbrella from her bag, I pulled up my hood and hunched my shoulders.
“Don’t be silly,” she giggled, pulling me under the umbrella with her. I couldn’t help but laugh too, her laugh is infectious.
As the sun started to shine again, she pulled me down to sit on a bench. She beamed down at me, and I could only gaze back adoringly.
“So Ak…” She began.
I knew this tone of voice, it’s dangerous.
“Who do you like?”
She whispered, and I looked away.
I wanted to say, ‘you, you, a thousand times you.
You’re the only one I can ever think about. You’re gorgeous and sweet and funny and…’
Instead, I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my cup.
She looked at me with a cautious smile. “If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?”
“Okay.” I said.
“The person I like… …is you.”
I drop my drink.
Finally getting courage, I grab her hands, pulling her
to her feet. "riya," I say. "Will you be my
She squeals, jumping up and down in that way that I
always thought was simply adorable but was never
able to tell her. So I tell her now. "You're adorable"
I've never seen Riya blush before, either, but she
does. She pulls me into a hug, and I rest my head on
her shoulder.
"So, is that a yes?"
I whisper against her skin, and
she giggles, grabbing my hands and spinning me
"Of course that's a yes, silly!"
She laughs.
"Good." I say. "Because now I can do this again."
I press my lips to hers, and it's like everything else in
the world fades. Over and over I keep thinking,
"I can't believe you're mine."

© Akash dey