

Reincarnatiom (Chaper 3)

My brother brought me to his room and instructed me to stay here. I nodded at his words as I looked around curiously, "Now... You can walk around… Though you should stay there… And don't destroy anything." He said stoically.

I nodded docilely as I meekly glanced around the room. He gave me one last look before he left the room.

I demanded.

~A-alright.~ He stuttered.

Right after he said that, my brain began to hurt as I clutched my head in pain. Not even making a single peep since I didn't want to alert anyone.

However, I fell out of the bed with a loud thump. Still writhing in pain, I sensed someone coming closer to his room and assumed that my brother came back.

I curled up into a ball with my hands still grabbing my head, I glanced up sneakily and saw that it was a beauty… Unlike my stepsister.

She would've looked like a fairy who descended to earth, without her angry expression.

"Bitch! Who are you and why are you in my Gege [1] room!" She exclaimed angrily.

[1]: Older brother

~She is your brother's childhood friend who has a crush on him.~ He answered quickly.

Slowly the pain subsided as I stood up from where I was laying, dusting off the dust from my clothes I stared at her as she still gave me a nasty look.

I ignored her look and sat down on his bed at where he told me to stay at.

"He is also my Gege~ My dearest and sweetest Gege~!" I exclaimed in a kid-like voice, smiling brightly at her as her face darkened at my words.

~Host, your brother's favorability rose towards you rose to 90, while his favourability towards the female lead is still 70.~

~The female lead favorability towards you is 0.~ The system alarmed me.

I asked.

~Yes host, in the story she is the female lead who met your brother from a young age and fell in love with him.~

~What? How pretty do you want her to be?~

~Uhm… Alright well here is the backstory: One day, she was out in the streets buying a gift for your brother when she chanced upon the crown prince in disguise who fell in love with her at first glance.~

~He fell in love with her even more as she was like an innocent flower to him, being nice to everyone around her. While she just didn't want to ruin her reputation it caught another's person attention..~

~Another prince from another country… Since she tried to save a child from getting hit by his carriage  While in fact she was actually chasing after the kid for stealing her gift, somehow saving the kid instead.~

<... I see... So there's 2 idiots.>

~I-idiots?~ He exclaimed in surprise

I asked.

~7 people... Including your brother~

I murmured.

"He's my Gege!!" She exclaimed angrily, "… But he didn't tell me anything about another one…" I trailed off with a pitiful look.

She smirked at me victoriously as she strolled up to me, "Hmph! He'll never be yours cause he'll be mine." Whispering venomously.

~Host male lead's favorability for FL decreased 50~

~Yes, back when they were younger. She would purposely take all the blame he did because he still wasn't mature enough even though he's older, doing all the horrible unladylike pranks.~

~Until one day, his prank went to far and he got caught red-handed.~

~However, she quickly rushed over and took all the blame, she was smart and knew what her brother did so she acted guiltily and explained what she did to them, instigating her brother to do so.~

~The father's favorability towards her never fell at all but he started ignoring her. The punishment she took was 10 whips, and she was forced to kneel on the floor at the courtyard.~

~Unluckily for her, it was raining at that time and she caught a high fever that wouldn't go away for months. Her brother was sent away before he knew what her punishment was so he studied hard to repay his sister.~

~However the servants took this as an opportunity to bully her since she wasn't favoured and she got starved and bullied verbally.~

~Which didn't help her mental and physical health but she somehow survived that long.~

I asked with a pitiful expression.

~That is included in her wish but she wanted revenge on everyone who bullied her including the servants, her stepmom and sister.~

~She still liked her dad even though she got ignored…~

<… Explain.>

~She was an intuitive girl, she knows her father does not really mean it but instead loves her deep down inside. But since her brother is going away and can't protect her, he made it seem as if she was not favoured by him anymore so she wouldn't be seen as a threat to anyone.~

<… Interesting.~>

"B-but… Gege is mine. H-He said he was going to protect me… Hic." I whimpered as tears came rolling down my face.

~Host… Your acting skills are really scary.~

~That wasn't a compliment!~

"Why you-!" She exclaimed enraged as she brought her hand down towards my cheek.

~Host he looks very worried and angry. Favorability towards FM went down to 10~

I looked at her with a shocked expression before crying loudly, "Wuuu![2]"

[2]: A crying sound that most kids/children will make.

"What happened here!" My brother strode in with a pissed look on him. "Ahh! Gege! I was just discipling this slave here for coming into your chambers without permission." She bowed slightly towards him and said with a polite smile.

Glaring at me before dragging me towards my brother, "Still not gonna greet the young lord." She hissed towards me, giving me a haughty look as if showing me who's the real boss.

I glanced up at him with red puffy eyes as I sniffled, he was watching me with a stiff yet shocked expression, not expecting for this to happen.

"Gege! This bitch slapped me!" I cried out as I hugged him tightly. He stood there before I hear him say, "Get out of my room." He said coldly.

"… Didn't you hear him!? Quit hugging him and leave!" She exclaimed angrily ripping me off of my brother. "AH!" I exclaimed falling backwards.

But before I could hit the floor I was grabbed onto someone, I looked and saw that it was my brother. He pulled me into his embrace with a stiff posture and stared at her coldly.

"I said you leave my room! Not her, besides how dare you hit her!!" He exclaimed as he bared his teeth at her angrily.

"W-what but I-!" She tried exclaiming herself only to meet his icy glare before she shut up. "S-sorry." She trembled with her head down with fist clenched by her side before dashing out of his room.

~Host, FL's favorability towards you is -30~

My brother sat me down before he gently touched my cheek, "Are you alright?" He asked with a subtle gentle tone. "I-it hurts." I whimper out.

~Did it really?~

~But it's becoming purple…~ He trailed off.

I ragged.

"QUICKLY COME IN PHYSICIAN BEFORE YOU LOSE YOUR HEAD!" I hear my brother roar out commandingly.

With quick footsteps rushing in the physician tried to greet my brother but my brother stopped him with his hand up.

"Quickly! Check what is wrong with her! Why doesn't she remember me! While doing that, give me some ointment for her face!" He exclaimed hurriedly.

"Of course." He replied hastily, afraid to provoke him any further and nimbly went to my side. "My apologies but may I feel your wrist." He asked politely as I tilt my head at my brother.

"Just do as he says Ting'er[3]." He said softly.

~Host, his favorability towards you rose to 100~

[3]: The  'er  is a sort of endearment given by closed relatives or lovers.

I nodded and placed my hand out infront of me, as the doctor slightly pulled up my sleeve and placed his fingers on my wrist checking my pulse.

"The young miss health is okay, perhaps she hit her head somewhere or got a high fever." The physician suggested.

"Young miss, did you fall down before?" He asked.

"Fall down? Nope~  I've never fell down when playing~" I say childishly.

"Did you have a fever before?" He asked, "Fever…? Well, my maid mentioned that I was stuck in a fever for 1month." I said thinking about it.

"Fever?! When!?" My brother exclaimed. "Mmm…" I wondered thinking.

I asked.

~Around 2years ago.~

"Don't know~ Ask my maid." I giggled like a child. "Ah well… Young master here is some ointment for the young miss face." The physician trailed off, not looking at my brother's face.

He took it off from the physician's hand and gave him a look as he nodded and backed off, leaving the room to what looks like running away crazily in the background.

© Naruko