

कर्मण्यकर्म यः पश्येदकर्मणि च कर्म यः.।

it is the shlok of most popular epic caled bhagwat geeta.
As you know about world's biggest epic "Mahabharat". It is the true story between two families.

The meaning of this shlok is that- (in Mahabharata when Arjun sees his relatives standing against him, he get afraid and refused to fight. then the Lord Krishna told him the whole bhagwat geeta for 3 days and told him)
"oh dear Arjun, your only duty is to, do your work without thinking about its results."
"You are not fighting against your relatives. you are fighting against inveracity, peoples with dirty intention
you have to fight for not only seeking justice for your wife but also for the awake of society, for also the spreading truth in universe. come on dear Arjun pick up your bow and fight against the inveracity."

So as Lord Krishna said in bhagwat geeta, the only duty of a person is to do his work without thinking about it's results. because we can't decide the real result what we actually deserves. As you do very less work and want to get a great reward it couldn't possible, because we get only that what we do.

Your duty is to awake society, and
spread the truth and justice in universe. Never do wrong to others because it will again came back to you. never choose wrong path, always be on the path of truth.
-vaishnavi Anand
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