

Mask Down World No
You see it everywhere but some care
people have to mask up there patients
an you want to tell that staff but they
don't want to care for the people so
if I had a1000 masks here is what I would do. Give some to hospitals as donations they may be running low
and they got to be regulation mask only
or they can't use them so remember people. And to others at the store or in wheelchairs or super market they always
got extra mask at the door. So on the elevator you are still inside the building
but we never know. And others may
come at you in an elevator in the past
for not wearing your mask so that now
you wear your mask. Or that women
or man may jump out and say where
is your mask. Even if you are inside the
building. So there it is I would mask
up the world in a small way just trying
to get mask to people everywhere. And
then I would like to see everybody with
one. Or when others see me without
mine they will get at me. So if I got
extras or have had them I will give
them out clean ones not like the ones
you see when you walking the streets
and they lying face down. As if some
people forgot to pick up or even wear
these. Or like a calling card I was here.
© lashes sullivan