

I am Lucky to Have you ( Part 7)
( At Raj's office)

Raj - So what were you thinking back then .

Alice - Uhh!! Nothing really nothing
( comes more close )

Raj - Really nothing 🤨😒

Alice - Ohk , i am sorry I thought she was your girlfriend. And I am really sorry for misunderstanding you 😄I hope you will not mind it.

Raj - Hmm , ohk come and sit down here is the file go through it and than Ms. Cheng will take you to the entertainment department I have already told you that you just have to help others regarding their problems that's it.

Alice - Ohk , that's easy than what is there in this file ?

Raj - These are the rules of the company which everyone has to follow .

Alice - Ohk , got it . I will be going then .

Raj - Ohk

Ms.cheng- Come here,this is our entertainment department that is your seat , and that's my office as Mr. Raj has already told you that you just have to help other people with their work than I am not going to repeat it if you have any queries just come to me .

Alice - Ohk , thank you Ms. Cheng ☺️

Employee 1- Hey ! you are new here ?

Alice - Yes , hello my name is Alice nice to meet you .

Raunak - Hello my name is Raunak .☺️
( she is so cute)😄

Alice - ( So I have to sit here and wait until someone appoints me some assignment or work )

Raunak - Hey you are our new helper right , ?

Alice - Yes ,do you want some help ?

Raunak - Yes , can you print these files and destroy these one plz do it carefully they are very important.

Alice - No worries, trust me I can do it ☺️.

Raunak - Ohk , I am counting on you .

( alice doing her work carefully )

( Get backs to her seat )

Alice - Here it is , done 😄

Raunak - Thank you, Alice .

Alice ☺️

Employee 2- Alice , Mr. Raj is calling you in his office .

Alice - Ohk , got it

( knock... k..no ....c...kk...)

Alice - Its me alice .

Mr.Raj - Come in , I was waiting for you.

Alice - But why,?

To be continued........