

Selfish Love: Chapter 13-14(END)

Later at noon, Ruru called Yuna to visit her at Maruqez's house to talk..
"what are we gonna talk about?"
mom sadly said
"We got Maruqez arrested.."
"Huh?! Why?"
Mom explained and showed Yuna the video..she instantly hugged Ruru tight before the video even finishes..no words..hiding her face..
"Ugghhhh, why did Yuna have to leeaave! We were doing well in this game!" Zury said as she lays back and left the controller, so Rynhee exit the game, turned off the playstation, and took the CD out. Then Ryhnee said
"And for some reason, i feel like today is..bad"
Ruru then asked..
"So..m-mom..since you're going soon, can Yuna stay with me? Or can i stay with her better?"
Mom smiles as she said
"Sure, i have full trust with Yuna, you've been friends before, long ago, until we changed houses, right?"
Ruru nodded
"I guess now i understand something, i feel like Maruqez asked to move to a new house cause she hates you so much. I wonder why.."
Yuna just awkwardly smiles..
"I guess there's no point on keeping this house..i will go check what's up with maru..you girls, can go..im thankful for you Yuna, Ruru has you, please take good care of her while we're away"
Then mom drove away, Yuna and Ruru just stood, silently shock of what happened today. Yuna looked to Ruru, but Ruru was looking down, tearing up, so Yuna hugged her tightly as she rubs her head. Then she took Ruru to Ryhnee's house. Ruru then said to herself
"Its okay, dont feel bad, i did what i had to, she must learn too..if no one can tame her..then that would..besides..i get to see her later some day again, or even visit her at the jail..she's not far away..she's just right here..most importantly, i shouldn't worry about that, im worried that she might not learn anything still.."
She looked at Yuna driving as she says to herself
"And Yuna..im happy we are back together again..i cant thank her enough.. without her, im probably in despair..and sinking myself into Maruqez's trap, she gave courage, and reasons to fight, she's the reason my suffering ends here...i could've suffered for 2 or 3 more years.."
Ruru turned to look outside the window again..
"And also..a big thank you to Zury.. she's a great friend, she could've seen me and done nothing about it"
Then when they arrived home, Ruru walks towards Zury,
"Ruru! We miss you already!..your face!..what happeeened?"
Ruru just smiles as she tears up and hugs Zury.
"Thank you.."
They were all confused, but Ruru starts to fall asleep while hugging Zury, so they helped her get to the bed.
"Thats bad, she's very tired" Ryhnee said as she unfolds the blanket and covers Ruru. Then Zury asked yuna "So what happened?"
"Well.. its like a mix of good and bad news..bad news not for us, but for her step parents and Maruqez. Everything just..ughh"
Zury and ryhnee was still listening..
"Ruru revealed the truth about Maruqez..and now Maruqez got arrested"
They were all shock to hear that, but Ryhnee then said
"Its alright, she got what she deserved..and finally Ruru is free"
Then meanwhile, Shizu tried calling Maruqez, but no answer,
"Ugh why isn't she replying?" She tried dialling her again
"I need to know if she needs my help or what exactly..come on.."...then Itsuki was waiting for Maruqez in her shop..
"I haven't seen her for two days now..why would she miss school for two days..? I have so much to tell her"
Meanwhile..Maruqez was put into her cell, she sat there, she couldn't cry or talk, she is in a big shock, she looked around her cell..and she realised how her life is now ruined
"I didnt even say goodbye to Shizu and Itsuki..im sorry.."
Maruqez began crying terribly after realization..
"Dont wait for me, just forget about me, i will come back soon.."
Then few days has passed, Yuna and Ruru were walking on a park together while holding hands
"Here, lets sit down here" Yuna said as she sits down and leans back on the tree, then Ruru sat next to her as she leans her head on Yuna's shoulder.
"Im happy..we are peacefully together, Yuna"
Yuna chuckles as she moves a little away to see Ruru
"Im just feeling weird ever since that day i woke up in a hospital"
"How so?"
"Im switching up at times"
"Its alright..i will always be with you.."
Ruru just smiles as she blushes..

●End of story. thank you so much for reading, and i hope you enjoyed reading :)

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