

Immortals: Gate of Fire part 1
After passing through the gate I found myself in Thaish and have no idea who I was to look for or what I was to do. Like a bad headache I saw a new vision of why I hadn't been put back in my body. I saw a man holding a pair of hatchets and standing over my body as if he was the reason. His name was Xantal and he knew how to wield fire just like Muggog did with earth.
I now know whot to look for but why in this lost city of old. I know the city was burried back in 378 and it was put under due to the war being at a stailmate. It was at that moment Xantal showed up just like Muggog did in Drath. "Who are you and why are you here" he yelled. "Are you the resistance leader" I relpied. He then came over to greet me as if we were old friends and I joined him in his home for us to talk about a plan to help him in his war. I soon found it isn't a war but a democracy argument gone wrong and they plan to build more on the city but it would cause the city to sink. Our job is to stop them from building anything.near the middle of the city. Our fight is with the mothmen builders because they can fly and build but they only like to build near heat.