

The Hello Man Chapter 3: The Demon Returns
On the twenty third of November 2022 somewhere between Hell and the Underworld stood The Hello Man on the burning red and brown ground. His eyes was burning with rage. On earth somewhere in London there was an Anti Church. The people inside the church prayed to SATAN, The Demon God, to give them a true boss, a boss with the soul of a Demon. The Hello Man vanished from Hell and appeared in the church! The people started to pray for The Hello Man. The Hello Man heard Satan's voice say, "You will lead this humans who prays for me to victory!" The Hello Man's eyes got extremely red. The Hello Man moved around a little bit and noticed that the wings he got just before he died in 2020 (but never got back when he returned in the 19th of August 2021) was back part of him. The Hello Man smiled and whispered, "Hello". The people said Hello back. A axe appeared in The Hello Man's right hand. The Hello Man told the people that he doesn't work for anyone and he cut of everyone's head in the church. The Hello Man ran out of the church. He looked at the place around him. He didn't noticed the place. He took out his gun and whispered to the people who was looking at him funny, "Hello". He began shooting the people. Later the police came. They started shooting back at The Hello Man. The Hello Man just began to scream. He noticed that he was healing as fast as ever. All the sudden a long piece of rope with a blade appeared in his hand. He used it to kill all police men. After that he opened his wings and flew away. That night The Hello Man landed in front of a old house. The old man who lived there heard a whisper say, "Hello". The Hello Man's red glowing eyes became visible and just by punching the old man in the throat, send him flying through the house and into a tree dead. The Hello Man noticed that he had extremely more strength as usual. The Hello Man flew out of the house and vanished. A few minutes later in the house just in front of the old house red eyes appeared in the kitchen. In a tiny room lived a man, Charles Grey. The man was awake reading a book. His lights was on and the door was wide open. A moment later Charles noticed that a book started moving by it shelf in his book self. The book fell off the shelf. Charles stood up from his bed and walked a little scared to the book self. Then he heard a whispering voice whispered, "Hello". Charles got even more scared. All the sudden his door slammed closed and locked by it self. Then books began flying out of the shelf. Knocking him down to the floor. Charles wanted to scream for help, but his lights went off. In the darkness of the room Charles saw one pair of red glowing eyes appearing. He got started to panic. He later noticed that a knife was in his throat. His head fell dead on the cold floor. The eyes vanished, while the lights was coming on again. That morning The Hello Man appeared outside the house. He went flying into the sky. He began to grab people from the streets and threw them dead on the roof of the old house . A hour later there was 52 dead bodies on the roof. The Hello Man landed on the roof. All the sudden he felt hot, too hot. He started to burn. He realized that he had the ability to turn into fire. Just when he raised out his hand, a fire blast went flying and set the dead bodies on fire. The dead bodies was now burning. The Hello Man vanished with a smile wondering how and when he got so powerfull. Later at Texas, there where the mansion burned down to ashes in the previous chapter, was builders. They where busy to rebuild the mansion!
3 Weekes later.
At London somewhere The Hello Man became London's most wanted person and he has always whispered, "Hello" before he killed all those thousands of people. He became a true Demon. One day the police shot him thousands of times and a demonologist threw holy water on him. The Hello Man fainted and fell to the ground.
5 Weeks later.
At a prison cell, The Hello Man was tied up with the strongest rope money can buy. The president of America came to the cell. He wanted to buy The Hello Man from London. The president asked a guard, who worked there how The Hello Man wasn't dead yet, because he saw the bullet holes in his suit. The guard answered, "Onastly I don't know, I mean we tried to kill him by, hanging him, shooting at him, stabbed him, threw holy water on him and we even blew him up for god sake, but it seems like he is immortal or something?" Then the president saw the cross on The Hello Man's forehead and said, "He's no Immortal, he's the AntiChrist himself!" The guard said that it might be true. All the sudden The Hello Man opened his eyes. His eyes was redder than it was ever before. He became on fire. The fire burned the ropes quickly into ashes. The Hello Man took the guard's head and threw him through a metal bullet prove wall. A axe appeared in his hand and he used to cut of the president's head while yelling, "Nobody messes with The Hello Man!" He fainted and he fell through the floor as if there was no ground. At the mansion at Texas (which was completely finished) he fell from the sky. He woke up and opened his wings and began to fly. He landed in front of the mansion. He looked at it for a while and then he vanished. 3 Days later a family of 4 wanted to buy the mansion, Peter Styen, Jean and their two children, Robert and Mike. After a few days everything was ready. Everyone had their rooms and everything was packed out. One night in Mike's room while he was sleeping there was a whispering voice saying "Hello". Mike was still sleeping. All the sudden his open door slammed clossed by itself. That woke Mike up. Just in front of Mike's bed red eyes appeared in the darkness. When Mike saw the eyes he wanted ro scream, but a sharp spear was stabbed in his neck. The Hello Man vanished back into the darkness. The family went to check what the loud sound was at Mike's room. Then they saw the dead body stabbed with a spear.
Later the family was at the hospital. After that they went to the police to state that either their sun suicided or that someone killed him. Mike's death was all over the newspapers. At a church a priest was reading the newspaper, then a cup of warm tee fell out of his hand and he said, "No this, this can't be real, I've killed him twice, I've killed him, how, its even the same bloody mansion, but just rebuild." The priest went to the mansion as fast as he could. He brought 2 professional demonologists with him. When they got there they asked the family if they could stay the night to look if there were any paranormal activities in the mansion and the family agreed. The priest put a wooden cross in all the rooms with a camera. That night everyone was in the living room. It was Midnight when a flowerpot fell on the floor by itself. One of the demonologists said, "Why are you here, show us your face Demon."
Nothing happened. A few moments later they all heard a whispering voice say, " Hello". The priest said bravely: "I know it's you Hello Man, to who does that body you possess belong to, huh tell me!" Then the priest took out his tiny metal cross and showed it to roof and said: "In the name god you will tell me who the body belongs to and when you got it. All the sudden words appeared on a wall written in blood saying: "Tony Wilson, 1985". The one demonologist looked it up with the internet and read about Tony's death. Then all the sudden two read eyes appeared just behind the demonologist who was reading. The Hello Man stabbed the demonologist in the back of his neck. It began to rain blood outside. A sword appeared in The Hello Man's right hand. Everyone began running out of the door. All the sudden The Hello Man appeared just in front of them and sliced off everyone's head except the priest's head, because he got away. When the priest got outside he kept on running to the church. The Hello Man followed him by flying. Then The Hello Man threw a dagger, who's blade was on fire, at the priest's neck. The Priest fell down on the floor dead. The Hello Man landed. He crushed the priest's head, by stepping on it. The Hello Man said to the dead priest in a whispering voice: "Say hello to the Devil in Hell for me you pussy."

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