

Angel Respite (Chapter Nine)
Hester tried not to act different around Alexander, but it was hard not flinching when he spoke, or trying not to hear what he was mumbling.

He wanted to know more however he felt he already knew so much about Alexander, for someone who has been around him for less then a month he felt that Alexander has been mostly an open book with him Hester on the other hand had barely spoken about himself. He felt he needed to tell something about himself in return for everything Alexander did for them.

Wilbur whined loudly getting Hester's attention, Wilbur then pointed to one of the windows once Hester was looking at him.

"Sorry mate, I don't think we can go outside right now."

It was alright out, a small amount of snow falling gently down, frost lining the edges of the windows around them. Alexander was above them he could hear his feet on the floor boards, Hester sighed, he didn't know what was out there, he lived his whole life with the same weather. Rain and shine, what was it like in a plateau? What would they find out there?

The only time he felt something akin to snow was collapsing in the void with Death. -which probably is not what this feels like- His thoughts were interrupted with Wilbur trying to open the side door—he couldn't reach the handle and resorted to trying to pry the door open from the little room on the side of it.

Hester tiredly picked Wilbur up he fussed around pointing to the door making angry noise at Hester, which he couldn't understand.


Hester grumbled half heartedly, letting the last syllable ring out of his throat he really didn't want to ask the person who's cursed for help, maybe it would rub off on him. He looked up to the sound of the trapdoor opening.

"Is everything alright?"

"Wilbur wants to go outside, but I don't know if it's safe."

Alexander stared at him a moment confused then says.

"I could come with you, to collect wood."

It only took a few minutes, putting on cloaks and boots, Hester wore his normal clothes, a plan white shirt with the same decade old, dark green cloak he was gifted Wilbur wore a basic sunshine yellow sweater—it complimented his eyes. Alexander grabbed his axe and waited for them outside wearing unsurprisingly what he always wore, but with a long sweeping black cloak with animal fur on the hood, they began walking—well Wilbur and Alexander began to walk, Hester stayed on the final step of the stairs, Alexander turned back to him.

"Did you forget something?"

And for a moment he was going to lie and say he did. He couldn't believe what he was feeling. -there's no damn way I'm afraid of snow- He was being dramatic, he had to be.

The last time he was out, there was no snow, the heat from the house had melted most of it away, leaving grass and soil, apparently that was uncommon because Hester had only seen it once.

Alexander walked back Wilbur realizing he's alone sat down and began fussing. Alexander silently walked to Hester. Alexander was taller then him, by a short amount even with him being so much younger, Hester in that moment being ever-so-slightly taller then Alexander on the step he loomed over him. "Are you going to be alright?"

And for a second, he wanted to snap at him, brush the question off with a laugh—just something to not have this feeling anymore, this ripple of shame, like a wave on top of him.

He had been on snow before, but this was different—Hester didn't know how but it just was, something was off like seeing a puzzle, a clue is in it somewhere but anything could be that clue Hester didn't know what was or wasn't.

He's a warrior, someone who is feared by thousands, he has been in so many battles and in the middle of mindless wars, death and destruction seem to follow him around like his very own shadow, everyone knowing the destruction that he can cause, with barely anything at all.

Now, look at him, being scared of some solid water.

"I've never seen snow before."

-Why am I telling him this?-

"Would you like some, um. . . help?"

Hester slowly held out his hand, the shame ten folds when Alexander takes it and he feels himself calm down.

As he put his foot down he felt a cold chill leak though his boots ever-so-slightly leaving his socks wet the chilling continuing up to his spine, however other then the mild discomfort, it was manageable. The snow making a satisfying crunching sound as he walked letting go of Alexander's hand as he went to Wilbur. The three began to walk further into the mountains leaving three different sized footprints in the snow.

Wilbur running slightly ahead of them kicking at the ground or grabbing the small flowers and grass the poked out of the freshly layed snow, it was calming, time seemed to move slowly in the mountains. Their own personal bubble secluded from the rest of the world, Hester never really appreciated the opportunity to look around the ground they were on seeming to stretch out endlessly as all he could see was the blinding white snow surrounding them.

Then he tripped.

Alexander grabbed him tightly, there was a little dip in the middle of the mountain they were on, full of trees. Hester could see birds and deers from where he stood, he saw Wilbur scamper his way down and Alexander letting go, trailing behind him.

Hester began to descend behind them, as Alexander swung his axe against the first pine tree he saw, Wilbur was picking the bark off of another one -Gods that kid likes doing that- in Hester's view he could see both of them. He never really thought of it before but Alexander is practically a child compared to him, sure he was bigger then him, by strength and height, but Hester could probably be his parent, Alexander has scars and seems weather from his time in the military which makes him look older then he really is, but he couldn't be any more then in his early teens, that could be pushing it however.

The way he talked to Wilbur was friendly showing more of a brother-ly relationship between them, he took care of Wilbur and him. He then realized after everything, Alexander had no idea what he was doing—it became more apparent as time goes on, the way he looked at him, a mix of fear and pity, he didn't know what to do with them—Hester and Wilbur were both practically useless to him.

A small ping of guilt went through Hester,

This kid lives alone, secluded from the rest of the world, and he's helping me, and I've been an ass to him.

Alexander's axe hit the tree again and it brought Hester back to reality, Hester watched confused at the way Alexander would swing, it was unpredictable and in the nicest way, clumsy he seemed to almost stagger with every hit he made, like he was surprised everytime the axe hit its mark.

From the way it looked, it was almost funny in a cute way, like a fawn walking, funny and adorable, watching it stumble then rebalance and begin walking again like nothing happened.

If smiling made a sound then apparently people would have to yell over him, because Alexander turned around confused. "Why are you watching me, again?" He added the last word with a pang of venom, Hester couldn't tell if it was meant to be playfully or passive aggressive but answered nonetheless. "Mate" he says sympathetically "You are horrible at that." He said his voice being light.

"Thank you, I am sure you could do better."

"I think I could."

A beat of silence was hit as the two stared at one another, one set in with slight annoyance, the other with a cocky grin set with determination.

"Bet you could not."

"Bet I could."

The axe dropped and Alexander gestured for Hester to collected it. Hester picked up the axe, it wasn't the one Alexander used to fight but was most likely just has heavy, his feet seeming to fall further into the snow as he lifted it up, Alexander stood behind him leaning against a tree watching.

Hester began to swing.




The tree made a loud crack as it began to fall, Hester turned to Alexander, he was going to laugh at the moment however seeing Alexander's face something was wrong, very wrong, his face had turned pale (if that was even possible) he was no longer looking at the tree but where it was going to land Hester looked back and—

"Oh, shi—"

Alexander seeming dove as the tree hit the ground. -Where the hell did Wilbur even come from?- The world seemed to go silent as the snow lifted into the air making it seem like Hester was in a blizzard for a moment, he ran to the fallen tree, he placed his hand against it trying to look through the snow, it seemed to become more like a thick veil for how difficult it was to look through it.

Hester stayed quite he couldn't believe what just happened.

-I didn't kill them-

-I didn't kill anyone-

Hester stayed frozen where he stood hands on his mouth biting back a curse, his eyes began to sting at the sides, then he heard a gasp—it wasn't dry or mangled one that showed signs of broken bones or a collapsed lung, just a small—somthing to somewhat break the spanning slience.


Alexander hummed a reply, Hester still stuck in the snow, about to become buried in it if he stayed still too long, the snow cleared showing Alexander holding Wilbur tightly to his chest, Wilbur's head next to his collarbone very scared, but very much alive.

"Are you ok?"



Wilbur in response giving a breathy inhale as Alexander soften his grip on him then slowly marched to Hester, swinging his leg over the fallen tree that mere seconds ago could have stolen both Wilbur's and Alexander's life from them. Hester let out a breathy laugh from the shock and adrenaline rush, a shaky laugh less to calm him down and more just from the sheer relief he feels from the experience.

"I think I shall continue my way."

Alexander quips dryly still seemingly shaken but grounded.

"For what?"

"Cutting trees, my way is less dangerous. Surprisingly."

"Okay, now that's a little unfair."

"Please tell me how, and I shall joyously listen to you."

They tried to stay calm mostly not to frighten Wilbur, or still from not processing what happened they probably wouldn't for a few hours, at least Hester wouldn't for a few, Alexander seemed quite composed for someone who almost got crushed by a falling tree. Alexander gave Wilbur to him, Hester proceeded to wrap Wilbur around his arms protectively until they made it back to the small cottage.

Alexander still seemed composed over the whole ordeal, Hester wishes he could get more of a reaction, even with talking to Alexander proved to be difficult at times, Hester could never tell if he was being sarcastic, or joking from his voice, he always seemed so tired so monotone—maybe it was from being part of the military- but Hester could never tell what he was thinking or feeling unlike most of the people he had met Alexander someone younger then him could read him like an open book.

It was incredible and terrifying at the same time.

They walked until they saw the familiar silhouette of a small house with a chimney puffing smoke, Hester aloud Wilbur to walk next to them feeling safe enough, he noticed Alexander keeping an eye on Wilbur as he ran around the snow apparently he was also still worried about what could have happened.

Hester's heart began to race at the thought of Alexander not coming, and tears began to sting his eyes again. But he was there and Wilbur is alive that's all that matters.

For a moment everything seemed quite.

Which wasn't a bad thing, just a new one

Hester became antsy restless, even with working up the courage to walk around his odd new surroundings. He couldn't help but want to do something, when he was with his family—no I don't need to think of what I don't have. The subconscious thought made Hester fume, he didn't need his family all because he was bored, he would find something to do.

Alexander seemed to sense when he was bothered by something. How does he know? Can he feel it? However it was incredible useful when Alexander would take him and Wilbur out to look around.

Hester still hadn't memorized the snowy landscape everything to him looking exactly the same but getting the feel of it as he went out, Alexander helping as today they descended the mountain they were on to the small forest below them.

The place Hester use to call his home, for a short time.

They didn't go in the forest sticking to the grassy base of the mountain Wilbur gleefully picking as many flowers he could as Alexander watched sitting on a rock that stuck out of the earth.

Hester couldn't help but keep his eyes from drifting back to the destroyed, blackened forest that was once teeming with life. It wasn't Hester's first experience with the destruction fire could make, but he was the one who started it, and if not then had some sort of control over what happened, it was frightening being in that position, no power or control, being beat against the tide as it rushed over him.

He didn't want it to happen again.

He stretched his wings, wincing slightly as the joints pop uncomfortable, it had been a few weeks since he had flown, however felt like a lifetime. Hester would love to fly above the clouds and dive down effortlessly, he knows he could, even without doing it for so long, it was like walking once you know it you never truly forget.

He flapped his wings like he was about to fly, feeling his feet become light and the wind around his clothes tickle he smiles at the familiar sensation. Like slipping on a well worn glove, feeling all the familiar rips and tears that have been lovingly patch over the years—a bittersweet nostalgia for a memory not that old.

It made the pit in his stomach more noticeable, the longing desire for his Goddess's burning warmth, he wished he could see her again, the thought made him reflect on the idea of building another pagoda, he would first have to ask Alexander if that was alright, but he's unashamed of the thought of missing her, after all who couldn't miss someone so calm, kind, and loving?

His mind then slipped to what happen to the original one he built, he winced sightly to no one in particular. Right, Hester thought to himself. Still have a hoard of angry warriors with wings after me.

Hester almost forgot all about it, for as foolish as it sounds. That's why the first week with Alexander was difficult—he was waiting to be caught, well more killed in his sleep—with a dagger to the throat or a fire burning him from the inside out it didn't really matter—until it did.

Until it meant Wilbur getting hurt, until it meant Alexander getting hurt.

He stopped moving his wings letting his feet feel solid ground once again and the idea of seeing Death again slipped from his mind as he continued idly walking around he could practically sense Wilbur's confusion and wonder at the thought of flying, once he gets older he'll fly with him, but not today.

He heard a confused groan and turned.

"Get your kid off me."

Alexander said, as Wilbur grabbed his sun-red coloured hair—Wilbur puting flowers of different shapes, hues and sizes—unaware of the large axe at Alexander's fingertips—and began clumsily weaving them into Alexander's braided hair. Hester unfortunately couldn't suppress a laugh, as Alexander pinched the bridge of his nose unimpressed.


Alexander practically begged as Hester walked over, he went behind him and began instead of taking the flowers out began putting more in as Alexander winces dramatically, trying to swat at Hester.


Alexander curses softly as he trys to get away, just ending up letting Wilbur and Hester move closer to ruin his hair more.

"I thought I could trust you Hester."

"Look, mate I'm sorry things had to go this way, but Wilbur is focusing my hand."

Wilbur was indeed not foceing Hester to do anything at all, he was doing all in free will.


Hester chuckles at the word, something so strong used so playfully and light, the word seeming more like a name then something many have used with venom and strife to it—less of a curse or a threat but more like a childish term.

Alexander even with all the complaining and even debating the idea of throwing them off the side of the mountain for a moment—as they walked back home, he didn't take the flowers from his hair, maybe it was so Wilbur wouldn't be upset, however Hester subconsciously made the connection as he looked at Alexander pick up a flower that had fallen off, cradling it gently in his hands as he walked. Brothers Hester smiled warmly to himself, and made by something more then blood.

Even if it was temporary.

Hester didn't think about that, though.

Art by stargazerkittycat on deviantart
I don't even want to tell you how long this took lol, I think this chapter's a little on the nose I guess, but I enjoy writing very bad communication, so, all is well in love and war! ¯⁠⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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