

Hotel Malenrouge

Episode One


The door slams shut behind Hobo.

"Oh, shit!" Said Hobo in a surprised voice turning around and checking the heavy wooden door, it was locked up as tight as a drum.
He turned back toward the bar there was a rather eerie feeling in the air the dim light he could just make out a figure behind the bar.
As Hobo began to walk towards the bar he notice a grand piano in one corner and there was a grandfather clock.
On the side walls, hang a gas light in the middle of the ceiling a single light burning dimly. As Hobo approached the bar he could see that the figure became clearer, it was a pretty young woman.
" Good day, Mr Hobo we have been expecting you." There was a moment of silence while the young woman looked in a registered book and then began to continue.
"Arr, there you Mr Hobo." But that was all the young woman could get out before Hobo interrupted.
"Enough! Hobo is my name, not Mr Hobo and What the bloody hell is GOING ON?" Questioned Hobo in a rather angry voice.
There was a moment of award silence before the young woman as if nothing happened.
"Arr, here it is room number thirteen just up the stairs turn to the right and around halfway along the hallway and the door on the left-hand side of the hallway." The young woman puts her hand out as she is trying to hand Hobo the keys.
"Come please you are Mr Hobo aren't you?" asked the young woman in a calm voice.
Hobo just stood at the bar shaking his head then there was a moment of silence before Hobo broke it.