

Human Existence Theory
Hi and welcome to my theory of human existence, this is a very long piece so bear with me and remember i might not hold all the big fancy words or the knowledge of the true effects the pyramids may hold, im merely posting from my speculation on a vast multiple subject that could be very true and exactly as i describe it but heres the funny thing not one scientist or specialists in multiple degrees could proove my theory wrong, so after reading the whole thing a few times do comment your thoughts.

Not everything is lies and everything from the ancient life pre-dating human knowledge is nothing more than speculation and vast theories of those the government expect us to believe,
Remember the government hides things from public knowledge so you cant really believe them either, there are plenty of things the government claimed did not exist or happen then 10 or more years later released classified documentation revealing they lied on the subject and hid it from the public, the technology we have today is a implementation of alien and human technology (aliens that came to earth or crashed on earth or aliens from a different dimension) so if u ask me there are only 2% truth and 98% lies and misconception online and from our governments. Ill tell u why hitler almost beat america in the war its simply cause they had captured a alien life form and their ship to reverse engineer it, after the war america got their hands on a crashed ufo ; not long after they invented very sophisticated advanced technology from it and was able to learn how to engineer tech similar to that alien ship components using materials from earth.

And heres a game changer for those that believe the governments lies of ancient civilization building the massive structures with simple tools our equivalent simple tools is screw drivers, hammers and advanced ; techniques of simple tools as to their simple tools were simple a wooden stick with stone tied by string similar to seaweeds and the way the massive megaton blocks were perfectly cut could not have been simple tools.
the government wants everybody to believe they built those big pyramids and temples with simple tools? But not just that but the carvings inside the pyramids and the perfect cut precision they had on cutting the mega ton block. What they used to build the pyramids could not have been done with simple cutting materials they had at the time, but they could have moved the mega tons blocks with trees underneath it but they could not have done that cause they would have to lift the blocks high enough to put them on the trees and by trees i mean megaton huge trees that could bear the weight of the mega ton blocks that they could have pulled them but truth is the amount of people in the entire world today could not pull massive blocks like that today and to do it up a huge ramp? To put this where you may understand imagine pushing a huge bus up a very steep hill without brakes and having it in neutral, now this is only to theorise that they used a ramp to place the blocks higher but thats not all either, the very deep knowledge of mathematics, physics, science, engineering and astronomy. (space knowledge)

So how were the pyramids built? It wasnt just by the ancients thats for sure cause even if they could have pulled off that kind of massive project there is no way the Egyptians could of had the mathematical equations and astronomical knowledge to perfectly align them with the stars in the Big Dipper and Little Dipper constellations that correlates with the other pyramids that boosts earths magnetic sphere and most of the pyramids housing unknown and theorised properties that couldnt be fully explained but stil that is something we today could never implement and yet they successfully done it and possibly much more but not by simple tools.
Those pyramids hold a very dark secret to them as well as those pyramids generate alot of electical magnetic force that powers the magnetic sphere and ozone layer, and all the other pyramids are place very specifically on the locations that keep earth safe from various harmful things.
I believe the rulers in the ancient times was aliens that came down and guided them to do such things but my belief is an extinct alien race saved those ancients from another planet that was dying and brought them here to adapt and places the pyramids at their locations for a reason i mean hey theres no way to say im wrong after all i dont think it was a meteor that killed the dinosaurs i think it was the aliens that placed us here That killed the dinosaurs so they wouldnt eat the humans the aliens placed here,
it is my belief that atlantis was living on earth (possibly stil here) monitoring humanity and went into hiding when we began to traverse the seas.

Yea i believ there are aliens and i believe they was the legendairy atlantis continent that disappeared after all atlantis was the most advance civilization on earth until they mysteriously disappeared and many theorised what happened to them but maybe they decided to go into hiding on our world cause we destroyed our last one we had, and knew they would have to defend themselfs or maybe they left after seeing that we reached the level to advancements to traverse the world or possibly stil remain on earth if not under the oceans, inside the ice continent, or even possibly underground or inside the grand canyon, there are so much of our own world left unexplored.

Its hard to say if its exactly what happened then but if u think bout it humanity has always been so violent and we pollute our own waters and kill each other so what if atlantis is aliens that are living where we cant explore so they can monitor us after all there was a satellite in space that was not from any nation on earth and it was to advanced to be anything from earth so its hard to tell.

Stil a work in progress.
or the first part of a long theorised thought.

© Josh Mckinney
Dec, tue, 22 5:35 a.m