

End of final year of the school ...the last day ...but somehow the celebrations seemed so gloomy...I felt empty inside ..not because the school was now over or i would have to leave my friends and my hometown to go and study somewhere... but there was something which made me feel nauseous..
Soon every class was aligned in a row for morning prayer and the celebration that was to follow... There was a wave of happiness...Every eye sparkling as now it was the summer vacations...everybody waited for...
Still somehow everything seemed so lame and dull
Our principal told me to go and lock all the rooms. So i went upstairs with my classmate and my best friend, with the bunch of keys.
As we went upstairs we were lost ..no clue where to go. The place so familiar, where we spent all our childhood and also a good part of teenage, was so different. We were bit scared of what was happening.
Then as we entered our classroom it had a huge balcony, where once there was just a cemented wall ... like a day ago. It was well packed with iron grill ...so as to prevent some sort of escape...wondering why would someone do that in a school..
We went closer to take a look at the outside... To our horror ..we saw another building very close to ours and it was some sort of a prison.. it was as close as 6 meters probably and as close that we could see what was going on inside one of its rooms.
There was a man sitting on the chair..alive ....but his hands tied and wrapped with a cloth as Egyptian mummies were used to when they were burried....The very fact that he was alive and was so much in pain and anxiety was distressing to see...It was as if he wanted to talk to communicate that he was getting sick...making every possible effort to get out of the trap ...but all was in vain.
Soon he puked inside it...and as the cloth was so tightly wrapped around his face..he suffocated...not everything he vomited out could cross the cloth..we could see the torment he was going through and it made us shiver in fear...
Soon he started choking..A part of me wanted to go there and help him ...but i froze with fear...of what was happening..
His hands tied tightly to his chest...gasping for breath...he soon died..