

Remain Hungry
My father grew up poor, had to hustle for every bread he ate and every water he drank. He didn't finish school, stopped in primary school and it was hustling all the way. To hustle in life, there must be something you aim to reach, a reason for the grind and trust me when I say, he did have a reason. He wanted to have his own empire, a poor boy from the streets, with nothing to eat and a dream to reach. He wanted to make sure his children enjoyed what he could not enjoy while growing up and so he hustled, hard. He stopped school and faced the world at such a tender age, one small boy against such a big world. However, seconds turned to minutes and from minutes to hours, from hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months and months to years. Suddenly, he had a business, a business he worked tooth and nail for, a business that took him to an airport for the first time in his life and from the airport to another country, South Korea.

Big dreams pay off when fueled with hardwork and consistency. You can't just believe, you must work hard to receive that which you believe. But even if you receive, you must still be consistent, don't just receive and stop, lest your victory shall defeat you. You must remain hungry for that which you have not yet received.

True to his words, my dad made sure we enjoy what he could not but he did not build that empire. He received and stopped being hungry. His victory defeated him.

© Ifeamareme Uchechi Favour