

At the Stars Mercy
Underneath the canopy of the pine trees the galaxy revealed itself to me. The endless expanse filled with the light of dead stars and cosmic dust that paint the sky with pastels of unearthly delights. Your eyes were starstruck by the celestial show before us. Amusement and joy lifted your soul to a priceless smile that always breathes hope in my soul. I will never understand how you entered my life and made me feel warm again. Your knowledge of the cosmos and the constellations is intoxicating. In this darkness you shine as bright as our heavenly painting. "Look at how beautiful this all is!" you exclaim. My eyes are stuck on your face and I sigh with a smile, "Yes. Yes it is." A stone is in my throat as I want to show you a great stone that is also in my pocket. How do I say it without eating my tongue? My God I want this moment to stand still in time forever. The slight chill of the night's breeze drawing us closer. Insects chirping to each other in their own language. Your hand interwoven in mine. On top of the galactic play being presented before our eyes. Though we are small, insignificant being to the universe. Our souls are beyond time and space. Armageddon can arrive by dawn, and I will have no fear in us being together beyond this life. To Hell with all! I must ask you.
Dropping to one knee then locking eyes we looked in silence.
I start, "We have weathered unimaginable storms and I have found that I would not want to spend this life with anyone else. You complete me, my love. Will you-" Then I am stopped.
"Yes" you whispered. Before I am able to show you the silver band with the amethyst stone we are in an intense embrace.
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