

then you happen
I hurrily dumped my clothes into the back pack on my disorganized bedings, I cursed my hang over and the fact that my brain didn't register my alarm. I dashed into the bathroom to pack my toiletries, my mom would probably freak out if she saw my room right now.
I grabbed my perfume and oil bottles when my ring tone filled my ears, making my head to pound hard,I cut the tone off without looking who it was that was calling. I braided my still messed hair into to cornrolls and zipped my bag, I am going away for an aunt wedding, we aren't really related but we are cool.
phone rings again, I pinched my nose the I picked whilst I reached for my back pack.
good morning we want you.............. thank you for choosing MTN. line went dead,I hissed for the tenth time, I checked my time while putting my phone away absent mindedly, then the doorbell went off, now I know I am in for a long term discomfort.
I pressed the receive bottun.

a sweet voice came flooding the room from the speaker, in a whispered yell, "get you pretty proud self down here right this minute and you better not be drunk"
I rolled my eyes at my best friend's words
" did you roll your eyes at me" he knows better than any one like what i would be doing at the moment kinda know.
I smiled then " go away bossy, I will be with you in a few, and I am not drunk"

later that day
we gradually came to a stop, I got out of the car, walking to the lobby of the hotel, I know that Jay was right behind me, with our bags, well I was supposed to be the only to Lodge but,I don't know how I gave him the idea that I was going to drink my weekend away if he wasn't right to keep an eye on me.

" you better come pick your bag kitten, I will not be your driver, your doorman and you chapterone at the same time"
I laughed looking back at him "how much do you charge" I asked him without breaking my steps.
"you better be ready to pay me good money"
some how he caught up with me,as I got to speak to the receptionist, the valet came in to take his key.