


It was on a Tuesday morning, I waited patiently as papa locked the door of the ishi- our makeshift kitchen being that papa's first wife was the one to have the main kitchen today.
I was brimming with joy and if good care wasn't taken I was going to burst very soon.
"Papa, hurry the bus comes in 2 hours" I shouted from my standing position.
"Mejumina Akili, have some patience, let me lock up, this door is faulty you know" a frown creased his forehead as he spoke.
"Oh papa, I know, I just want to be done in time besides, I've not gotten the oranges for Mensa and Jojo" I explained frolicking with the hem of my gown.
Excitement was a little under how I felt at the moment. I'd be going to Lagos in less than 2 hours from now, a journey I'd dreamed about my whole life! And now it was happening and that in less than 2 hours. I, Akili, the village shumkute, the one most of the villagers despised for some reasons still unknown, would be going to Lagos. Not only was I the only girl but the only Akumpta- youth to ever leave our village. I had broken a record, finally I had brought respect to our family, my father would be able to walk in the village square again, my mother's desertion that brought about the supposed curse wouldn't be remembered again. I had finally outdone my ancestors, a thing that no one had ever dared to do.
