

Hungry Animals
Men loathe the feeling of inadequacy. What makes them almost complete are the names and the bags of spoils they gather on the road. These are the weights they rather prefer to lift them up from the miseries of lack. To live, they have to answer to the insatiable parts of their being and always be on the look for more. In their eyes, it is believed that having less makes a man less. And pride won't let one succumb to the belief.
Enough is never enough. To feel full, one has to constantly fill, and be a slave to the toil. The void is always asking. The answers are in the efforts. But the stubbornness of the needs also rests in place. And our kind use this hunger to justify their cynical acts and greed. Such are the reasons that have them resort to stealing. Such are the reasons they go to war for. This is why injustices prevail. They tend to forget or disregard one important aspect in all of this - that we are all just trying to carve a life out of this hard rock called life, as we pass.
© Ommie