

Cloud burst
Write a short story on what you should do if there was a widespread power outage and no one knew when it would be restored.
The weatherman announced about a possible cloudburst in another twenty-four hours.
We were ready to face the situation.
But the human error is inevitable. Though food, medicine and shelter was made ready,one important fact was totally ignored.No preparation was made to manage if there is power failure .
The rain started pouring,all the people vacated their house and took shelter in the temporary building.
Heavy rain started,sudden lightning
snatched the power.Stong winds uprooted the electric posts.Chance of restoring the power is remote.
The organizer who is in charge of the shelter soon decided to temporary power,but how.
The organizer asked,the vehicle owners who took shelter,were asked to bring their car or van batteries.
There was an electrician,who assembled all the batteries with some available wires and made to light few bulbs.
With this arrangement they were able to manage the night without power.
All the people thanked the organizer and
the electrician.

© Vadamalaisamy