

Serial Killer part 2
When he saw his best friend and his friend hit him , he couldn't do anything , he faint .
when he wake up and open his eyes . he was in hospital , his body was swollen and his face , his eyes was so blur but he keep mention his best friend name ,
A few days later, he came out from hospital he was searching for his best friend he could not find his best friend , he went missing he call his best friend but his best friend phone was switch off he tries to call him and message him but still in same. so he went to meet his best friend parents,
His best friend parents told him he was dead few days ago , went he was in hospital , he was so shoked and could not move and never trust his best friend parents he was Soo mad
But they explain to him and show his best friend grave , he was full of tears and can't believe his best friend died bc he had only one best friend that can shared and loving person
he couldn't believe he cried and cried and scream and said y' you had left me alone 'I had no one to talk with , he cried he said how' could you do this to me
he was sitting the grave and think about the past life he and his best friend was live happy together his memories give so much of tears and pain
he was sitting near and hug his best friend grave for a long time ,