

bad story ahead-
basically for a teaching rather than a revenge I wrote it in a single go..

Everyone sitting silently in the grand hall not a single sound pouring out...
The spotlights flashed on the anchor taking out a black card from his envelope, he announced-"so moving further...the Nobel prize in literature  goes to"...
The agog faces of the audience seemed like they knew an answer..
anchor:The one and only Helzashine..
The hall started to echo with claps,
Oh and her expressions were worth watching she must have been feeling like jumping in the air raising her fists but then too keeping the excitement saved she slipped a paper in her tux 's pocket and started to move towards the stage(it must be a well written speech) the happiness and excitement was obvious I could see some of our writeco members and yeah Kevin was sitting besides helza I could see the joy the excitement I heard someone whistle ..everyone clapping and cheering and then the award was handed over to helza. she didn't notice me that's why she was happy...
She took her place on the podium stand and was going to utter the first word and ...in no time someone called the anchor aside(seemed like a crew member) they had a small talk and I saw a bit embarrasment on his face ... I made my usual smirk  😏
Anchor,"Sorry ladies and gentlemen there was a error by the crew, I'm deeply sorry" and he walked across the stage taking the medal back from her ..he said "sorry helza better luck next time "and helped her climb off, returning to her seat she was rubbing her cheek as if had a tight slap, my smile went wider and the anchor Said ,"I'm sorry but we still have the actual prize which goes to none other than ' the' ardent ....
Many faces turned pale.. again the sweet echo and this time for the mastermind...
I climbed the stage with attitude, they all gazing open mouthed, 'dead squad ' was freezed 😏 Kevin was furious their plan unsuccessful,but helza held him and seemed like possibly she was asking him to calm down... I pridefully took the medal and gave a nice and short speech on the same podium 😈..
We all moved out photographers clicking pictures, people running to me asking for autographs I was the centre of attraction 😏.. it took an hour and finally helza approached congratulating me and asked if I could join their graveyard party on Sunday night..
I replied"thanks devil I'll try to come there!"
"We'll be waiting for ya" said helza waving ..
© my heart isn't reserved