

The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her...

Like never before.

That was he felt as he drove out of the hotel. His hands shook and he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he exited the hotel's premises without police officers swarming from all directions demanding for his head.

What am I gonna do?

He recently rose to fame when his character in a recent drama series received public acknowledgement. Due to sudden shot to stardom, he received several huge endorsements and deals. His co-star and the main character in the series had thrown a huge banquet, to celebrate their drama's success in the box office.

That was the reason he was in the hotel. And now...
There had been many toasts and games and soon enough he was drunk. All he remembers was excusing himself from the celebrations and heading to his pre-booked room. And now this.

Forget his career, if he was caught his freedom and possibly life will be forfeited.

The sun was still barely out when he stopped a few houses before his manager's home. When he reached the door he pressed the doorbell. He glanced behind him in paranoia and repeatedly pressed the bell.

"what the fu...oh Jin it's you" A woman in her early twenties with messy bed hair opened the door

"I need your help...am in a big crisis"

her eyes flew open "what? what happened?"

"can..can I err come in...please"

"emm sure...come on in"

He sat cross-legged on the small sofa

"tea? coffee?"

"n..no thanks"

"kay so what's up...did you get into a fight? Owe someone money? caught doing dru..."

"I killed someone"

There was a second of shocked silence then "What!?"

"at least I think I did..her body was on the..the bed and I was holding the bloody knife" he held his head and rocked back and forth "I k..killed a person Ms Sue and I can't even remember how or why...I don't remember any-frigging-thing"

Sue stared at the wall dazed then "who was she?"

"I dunno...she was naked but I..er I don't you know feel anything" He turned red "I know I didn't sleep with her"

Sue sneered at him "and how are you so sure?"

His face flushed even more "I said I...I don't feel anything like you know...sore or whatever. Point is I didn't do anything to her"

"If you say so...hmm maybe you were framed" she sighed and massaged her temple "actually that is a very sane explanation. You just rose to fame...am sure many people were none too happy about it. Just...who?"

"Perhaps we can find security footage"

"We can try...but I don't think whoever is framing you is fool enough to leave such an obvious evidence"

"then what can we..."

rrring. rrring

The sudden sound made them jump. Jin fumbled with his coat pocket and took out his mobile.

It was an unknown number. He hesitated a bit before tapping the green button.


"you want evidence? then come to the old skating rink in half an hour"


The call disconnected.

"who was that?" Sue asked when she saw his troubled expression.

he was still a bit surprised "evidence?"

Sue understood his one-word reply "are..err..are you gonna go?"

"I have to" he stood up to leave

"it could be a trap"

he paused in his tracks "then we need a backup plan"


The old skating rink was like a ghost town. Twenty-nine minutes after the mysterious phone call, the caller had yet to show up.

'maybe he or she bailed out' he thought. The voice had earlier been electronically disguised, so the caller's gender was relatively unknown.

A few seconds to thirty minutes and a shadow appeared at the top of the halfpipe. Jin looked up.

"where is the evidence you promised?" he asked

"I promised nothing" the same stupid electronic voice replied. This person was going to great lengths just to disguise their voice.

Jin's expression darkened like the bottom of a pot "what do you mean by you promised nothing... then what the heck am I doing here"

"haha I plan to show you the evidence not give it to you"

As the person said this the laptop on a table was open and a video started playing

In the video, he could clearly see the hallway to his room. A few seconds passed and two men walked into his room with a struggling lady. The view shifted from the hallway to his room. They placed her on the bed beside his sleeping form and proceeded to remove her clothes. The lady's eyes widened in fear and she fought them off. One of the men brandished a knife at her
"shut up you b****" he moved to cover her mouth when she attempted to scream. The woman chopped down on his hand, drawing blood. The man's eyes turned red and he brought the knife down to her chest

"no no no! what have you done" his partner hissed

"she deserved it"

"Boss Randall only wanted us to create a sex scandal, not murder her"

"well this is better not only will his reputation be ruined he will also go to jail, come on let's finish up"

They finished stripping her naked and the one that killed her carefully cleaned his fingerprints off the knife and placed it in Jin's hand.

Then the video stopped.

The person picked the laptop and turned to leave.

"How did you get that? he tried to delay

The figure paused mid-stride " hacking"

Ms Sue, please be quick. Jin silently prayed

A police car drove right into the rink. Successfully preventing the masked caller from escaping.

"you called the cops?"

Jin smirked at the person

"Mr Jin you're under..."The first officer to alight called out to Jin.

Jin was confused.
A red-faced Sue alighted next"sorry officers but I may have lied about him murdering someone, I'm really sorry but it was the only way to get you here fast enough"

Jin relaxed "that laptop has evidence of my innocence and the name of the murderer" he pointed at the masked figure

The officer did not look too happy at being tricked, but he turned to the person "remove your mask"

A hand slowly rose. Then hesitated before pulling off the ski mask.

Jin stared at the woman in horror

"you..." he sputtered

"save your breath" a delicate voice hissed, the woman shot him a cold then turned to the officers "I'm the victim's twin sister"


The next day media outlets were shocked by the statement released by the police. A woman had been murdered by the lead actor of the recent popular drama series just to frame a supporting character. Many people were shocked by what had happened in just a few days. Randall's die-hard fans argued on the internet that he was being framed. Until the police had to release the video evidence.
Some people sympathized with Jin while some haters still trolled him online. Despite all this, he was determined to continue and improve his career.

#murder #actor

© MH17Angel