

2020 - The Year We All Needed
Namaste World!

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, much like the journey of healing, its not been linear in any way. On a global front, chaos reigned supreme. It was a similar theme for people on a personal level. Covid 19 is not only a virus, it is a massive shift for the evolution of the human consciousness. Humans have spent centuries focusing on the ego, the duality and feeding into the darkness. There was never enough focus on the light and the real experience for which the Divine has placed us on the earth.

To be honest, this whole new normal made me a bit anxious, simply because so many pieces of my life did not make sense. I felt as if my own personal jigsaw puzzle lacked so many pieces and that with covid around, I would never be able to fill those pieces. I stopped writing for a while. I disappeared and I decided to do a social media cleanse, well that's just part of it. I deactivated Facebook, spent less time on Instagram, cleaned up my phone book and Whatsapp. Apart from that, I cleansed myself. I disconnected from toxic relatives, friendships and relationships in general. I even began reading the news much less.

In disconnecting from the external, I found my peace. I found the true version of myself. I became more still. I discovered that these so called material achievements which I felt made me incomplete, in fact had no bearing on who I actually am. These so called inadequacies could never break down or define my true divine nature. I realized that I was being silly by choosing to hide from people, because I hated the questions and intrusion into my life. Ultimately in the long run, it's all irrelevant.

Doing these cleanses created space in my life for new experiences, opportunities and people. It also brought in new spiritual insights and perspectives into my energy field. When I disconnected from toxic relationships, a handful of authentic ones remained behind. I realized that I was wasting time maintaining frivolous relationships. I was giving so much of myself to others that in some way, I forgot about myself and to connect to myself. I still remember the alarm from an aunt when I went totally silent on whatsapp, it was around the time Sushant Singh Rajput passed away. My aunt thought I was gone deep into a hole of darkness, whereas I was emerging from it into the light.

Lockdown may seem like a dark time in human history, however, it was a vital period for humanity to get in touch with their spiritual side. I hope humanity is able to emerge from the slumber of ignorance and reject the indoctrination of the world. Humans have been conditioned to be robots and just play into the forces of the ego. The Divine is giving us two options right now, we either evolve and merge fully into the light or fade away and not be part of the new era of human consciousness. There's no joy living in fear and projecting it onto people who live in the light of the experience.

If you are reading this right now and find that you are blocked in some aspect of your life, and I mean ANY aspect, take my advice. Resolve to choose and love yourself unconditionally. Start a still meditation practice. Surrender yourself completely to the Divine and remain committed to staying in the light. Disappear and disconnect for a while, you will find your tribe. Even better, the universe will give you your real tribe. Also, remember to keep your hands open to receiving the abundance that the universe has to offer you. Clean up your life and make space for the new. This is what I did and how I removed every single blockage which was preventing me from achieving my professional and personal goals. Trust me when I say, beautiful things come out of a pandemic too!

Up until 2020, I had no idea just how adversely toxic relationships, belief systems and an overall low vibration experience towards life blocked blessings. We are in the midst of a vital transition period, where low vibrational belief systems and people will simply cease to exist. So raise your vibration! As I move into a new phase of my life, on a personal and professional front, I want you to find the strength within yourself to connect to your inner light. 2020 has taught humanity just how fragile our human existence is. It has also illustrated how fragile our mortality actually is. Indeed, it is a blessing, if you are alive and reading this.

I hope you take into 2021 what resonates with you, and leave behind what does not resonate with you. I hope you take into 2021 who resonates with you, and leave behind who does not resonate with you. Above all, I hope you take into 2021 the most authentic version of yourself which resonates with your highest self. From my heart to yours, may you have a new year filled with light, joy and abundance.

The Scorpion Yogi

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