

Mansion Mystery
In a lively town surrounded by green hills, two brothers, Skandha and Athreya, lived with their parents. Skandha, the elder, was adventurous, while Athreya was thoughtful and loved to read. They had two close friends, Jamal, who was always ready for fun, and Thomas, the brainy one who enjoyed solving puzzles.

One sunny afternoon, the four friends decided to explore the old, abandoned mansion at the edge of their town. The mansion had been empty for years, and rumors floated around about strange sounds coming from within. “Let’s check it out,” Skandha said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. The others agreed, their hearts racing with a mix of fear and thrill.

As they approached the mansion, the wooden door creaked open, as if inviting them inside. Dust hung in the air, and the sunlight barely broke through the thick curtains. They stepped into the grand hall, filled with old furniture covered in white sheets. A large chandelier hung above, swaying slightly as if it had a life of its own.

“Look at this!” Athreya exclaimed, pointing to a strange painting on the wall. It depicted a beautiful woman with a mysterious smile, surrounded by symbols they didn’t understand. Beneath the painting, there was a small inscription: “The heart of the mystery beats where the shadows linger.”

“What does that mean?” Jamal wondered, scratching his head. Thomas, adjusting his glasses, suggested, “Maybe it points to a specific place in the mansion.”

Intrigued, they began to search the rooms. In the library, they found dusty books filled with stories of the town’s history. Athreya noticed one book that seemed different. Its cover was worn out, and when he opened it, a small piece of paper fell out. It was a map of the mansion with a red 'X' marked in the garden.

“Let’s go to the garden!” Skandha urged. They hurried outside, the excitement bubbling within them. The garden was overgrown, with wild plants and thick bushes, hiding the secrets beneath. They followed the map to the spot marked with the 'X'.

As they began to dig, they uncovered a small, wooden box. It was old, covered in dirt, and locked tight. “What’s inside?” Skandha asked, his heart racing. Thomas examined it closely. “We need a key,” he said, looking around for clues.

Suddenly, Jamal noticed something shiny near the roots of a nearby tree. They dug it out and found an old key, rusty but intact. With trembling hands, Skandha inserted the key into the lock. It clicked open, and they lifted the lid carefully.

Inside, they found a collection of letters tied with a faded ribbon. The letters were from the woman in the painting. They spoke of love, loss, and a hidden treasure meant to bring back joy to the town. However, one letter was different. It warned of a curse that would befall anyone who sought the treasure without pure intentions.

“What if the treasure is cursed?” Athreya asked, his eyes wide. “Should we even think about taking it?”

They all exchanged worried glances. The letters mentioned a hidden location deep in the forest, but also spoke of shadows that lurked to guard the treasure. “Do we dare to continue?” Thomas asked, feeling the weight of the decision.

Skandha felt a surge of courage. “We must find out the truth. If there’s a treasure, it could help our town. But we have to be careful.” The others nodded, feeling the thrill of the mystery.

As they prepared to leave, they noticed the weather changing. Dark clouds gathered above, and a strong wind blew through the garden. The shadows around them seemed to grow longer, almost alive. “We should hurry,” Jamal urged, glancing around nervously.

With the letters and key in hand, they ventured into the forest, following the map. The deeper they went, the darker it became. Strange sounds echoed in the distance, and the trees whispered secrets they couldn’t understand.

When they finally reached the spot indicated on the map, they found a stone structure half-covered in vines. It looked ancient, and as they approached, a chill ran down their spines. “This must be it,” Skandha whispered, his voice trembling with excitement and fear.

The entrance was blocked by a heavy stone door, engraved with the same symbols from the painting. “We need to solve a puzzle to open it,” Thomas said, studying the symbols closely. They worked together, recalling the letters and the clues they had found.

Finally, they figured it out. The door creaked open, revealing a dark chamber inside. They stepped in, their hearts pounding, and saw a large chest in the center.

As they approached, the shadows danced around them, and an eerie silence filled the air. “What lies ahead?” Athreya wondered. “Is it treasure or trouble?”

With the chest before them, Skandha and his friends stood at the brink of a great discovery. What was the truth behind the treasure? Was it a blessing or a curse? And would they be ready to face whatever lay inside?

The mystery of the mansion lingered in their hearts, leaving them with more questions than answers. They knew that their adventure was far from over, and the choices they made next would shape their fate forever.
© Nishmitha Kotian