

Making Up With Each Other
Today Belle was angry. Calvin I don’t understand why you have to take her side of everything said Belle. What are you talking about I didn’t even say that I was taking sides Belle we need to get this straight replied Calvin. Well you bringing Angela to surprise me at my birthday party was a big mistake you’ve shouldn’t never done this now I am going to be miserable said Belle. Then a knock came at the door Calvin opened it and there standing at the door was Willie and Angela. Hello Willie and Angela come in please said Calvin Willie pushed Angela in her wheelchair in the living room where Belle was at and when Belle saw her she got irritated. What are the both of you doing here? Belle ask we came here because we wanted to this is none of your business replied Angela. May the hairs fall off your head and you be bald said Belle may your legs get weak and tired of you standing on them oh just to tell you this I had a thought in my head earlier today that you were in a wheelchair and I was on my two feet but you should be so lucky replied Angela. May your face swell up from eating too much sushi said Belle may you fry pork chops in bad grease and let it burn replied Angela. That’s it I have had it! Said Belle calm down you too me and Willie don’t know what to say here you both keep on saying unkind words to each other replied Calvin. You can speak but not that old slop headed goat said Belle hey you can’t talk about my husband that way I will beat you with my cane replied Angela. Oh Angela you can’t even walk you are in a wheelchair and that means you can’t walk so why don’t you just shut up and roll yourself out of this house because it’s not yours to be rolling up in said Belle. That’s enough! I have had it with you both now we are going into the kitchen and have us a snack I got sugar free vanilla cookies in the cabinet and we can drink diet dr. Pepper replied Calvin. Belle and Willie followed Calvin into the kitchen but Angela was having trouble with her wheelchair the cap hub on the rear wheel is about to come off she needs a new wheelchair immediately. My wheelchair is having trouble the cap on my rear wheel is about to fall off said Angela well you did had that wheelchair for a long time replied Willie. I am going to buy her a new one said Belle you do what? Angela ask I will buy you a new wheelchair replied Belle. That’s very kind of you Belle said Calvin Angela I am very sorry for the way how I treated you it was just I thought you didn’t care about me anymore you always talked bad about me towards people, people will always stare at me, and you even had stolen my things from me said Belle. Well those things are true one night at the restaurant I saw you were talking to Jesse’ sister Ashely I saw how rude she was to you and I walked up to her after you left and I told her off and she left that night, one day when I was at home on the day before your birthday I was told by Calvin on the phone that you said that you didn’t have a nice dress to wear on your birthday you didn’t won’t to wear that red dress because it was ripped on the side and so me and Chastity went shopping and bought you that blue and green dress for you replied Angela. So you weren’t talking bad about me nor you didn’t steal anything from me? Belle ask of course not I never did I was loving you all alone you are my older sister I have to look up to you with out you I have nobody replied Angela. That day on the two sisters hugged each other and promised to always stay by each other’s side.
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