

One day...
One day, you will awake with a mouth full of drought; the sand will replace your skin and ocean will blind your eyes. You will be lost: a castaway, the fragment of the storm left behind.

They will move on without you.
You will learn depression is a hurricane and tornado's love child, one that will drop you in the most remote, desolate places of yourself. Stupidly, you will hope friends and family will come save you. You will scribble, HELP, on the shore, set yourself on fire, hoping someone will hear your screams, but no one will. There is no rescue boat or life vest. There is no airplane flying overhead. Initially, this will seem bone-crushing, the idea of being alone, but you're not. This island housed many before you; thousands of others have shed tears where your feet now stand. You are not alone, but alone in the fact only YOU can save YOU.

In the end, it has always been your decision - So, swim or die trying....!