

Every Family - part 2
Thus, you need to change your thinking and feeling and set your mind on the right track .

You see dissolving marriage may seem to you the best way to work out, you may see it as the' formula' of all your solutions but again you are wrong you think divorce brings happiness? or It resolves all your questions?you think it'll free you from the troubles? No Never, you are wrong on that side rather you'll have more problem, you'll have more guilt and shame. And you'll be more stressed and depressed [ but why? what do you think?]. I'm just a growing pod too young to teach my adults,my parents, but I think with experience to such times, I started to dig people's minds and found some things for good.
I speak not, I dare not, not that I'm afraid of criticism or emotionally battering, but it'll get more longer and worst with more people.And I've no idea to settle everything.
So, we can see that divorced parents have hard times to settle themselves and put things in order , to look after the kids single handed. And I suppose it to be not very nice to hear from people about your past or them telling you're a divorced couple, and on top it would not be so easy to find another partner and you'd know how hard it might be being single, you know you miss the good times, you might miss your commitment,you might miss the sharings and even sometimes the quarrels, the time gone, the soles no more, you does really regrets.
Remember the scripture says"surely no God fearing husband can truthfully argue that he really honours his wife if he assualts her physically. And no wife who screams at her husband, addresses him scarcastically or constantly scolds him can say she truly loves and respect him".

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