

Lies, a necessary evil in today's world.
A lie will fly around the world while the truth is still getting its boots on. Unlike the man who travelled the world in 80 days, a lie takes a few hours if not minutes to go around the globe.

A reality present in the past, as well as the present. This narrative has been jumping from era to era, even BC. Lies travel extremely fast, and are deadly, now more than ever before. A lie is a twisted, surgarcoated, fake Verison of truth. A lie is inconvienently beautiful and sweet, while truth is bitter and imperfect.

Lies take the forms of manipulation, fake news, White lies, misconceptions, rumours, gaslighting and to an extent assumptions. The view of what lies are or what they look like is a subjective view. All forms however seem to be tied to a lack of honest and clear communication and the unmerciful individual and social pressures and standards that don't always apply to everyone.

One could prefer to live in a world where lies don't exist. my argument however is contrary to that note. Lies are truly despicable, but are a necessary evil, in this world. Light shines the brightest in the presence of darkness. No matter how odd that my sound or seem. The patience truth embodies shows the amount of power and authority it holds over lies. Lies clearly don't know that slow and steady wins the race.

Truth pulls people out of their comfort zones, while lies keep them in stagnation, taking their focus from what is. Truth changes not with time or circumstance, it wavers not, and is aware of the power it possesses. As compared to lies, constantly changing and drifting. There is no growth in lies, but there is growth in truth. That being truly evident due to the existence of lies.

The effectiveness of truth stemming into growth comes with the comfort brought to the table by lies that cause stagnation. Lies which are eliminated by the fashionably late arrival of truth. Lies are a necessary evil. The speed of lies shows how inferior lies truly are, the seemingly slow steps of truth show that no one needs to buy into it, for it to remain truth. That is maturity on a different level.

Yet all I have said can apply to lies to, the thing about this topic is that what's true and what's not is always something humans temper with. Something that is not true can become true, because of what an individual chooses to believe. Something true can become a lie, because of what an individual chooses to believe. The placebo and nocebo effects serve as proof, but there is always more to everything.

It is what it is, though. What matters at the end of the day, is how you deal with the state in which either lies or truth leaves you in. Life is random and unexpected, and that is applicable to all attributes of life.

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