

On the Edge of life; Chapter Six

Two weeks have passed and Lance has finally been allowed to leave the hospital. Though he is supposed to come for weekly checkups.

"I wonder why." He said. "It's not as if I will still survive it if it isn't replaced." I shoved him harshly.

"Please, let us not discuss the subject of death. I do not like it." He laughed.

Today is Saturday. We are at the mall. Lance wants to shop for clothes for school.

"I have to look like who I have always wanted to look like, but couldn't because I didn't have the guts to." He said. I asked him what it was and he says "a bad guy." He then smiles a crooked smile. I laugh loudly. I can't imagine the shy Lance dressed as a bad boy.

"Okay then, take your time," I say and smile. A whole thirty minutes pass before he finds the right clothes. We pay for them and leave for the salon. On arriving there, I find out that Lance has already booked an appointment.

"You prepared for this," I say.

"Of course. Now just wait till you see my complete makeover." It took another thirty minutes then finally he was done. He stands up. I am in shock, because of his transformation.

"Wow," I say. "Just wow." He smiles hugely and cocked his head to the side.

"How do I look?" He asks.

"Hot," I say. "So hot." He then laughs at me and punches me in the arm.


"Ow! That hurts you know." She rubs her arm.

"Sorry," I say. Happy that she described me as hot. I should have gotten this makeover sooner.

"But you know," she says. "You still looked okay, back when you were a geek. You looked like those cool geeks."

"You thought of me as a geek?"

"Well, you saw me as a nerd." She says.

"Well yeah, a smoking hot nerd. I was neither smoking neither was I hot."

"Says who?" She asks, smiles and leaves.

"Wait, what?"

"We have to leave. We have a life to plan, remember?"

"Y-Yeah, we do," I say, confused as hell.

"How has it been?" She asks me. We are walking down the street leading to my house.

"How has what been?" I ask her.

"You have forgotten your dad and sis, how are you coping with them?"

"I remember some things now, though not everything. I can remember Bailey in middle school, her first day that is. And also when she was still a very little kid. I also have some memories of my dad. But they all seem like pictures, incomplete jigsaw puzzles."

"Oh," she says. I look at her questioningly and ask her "anything wrong?"

"It's nothing. I was just hoping you will remember something, no matter how small, about me." I force a smile, hating myself for making her sad and not wanting to tell her the truth.

"Finally, we are home," I say. She smiles.

"Well then, it has been nice seeing you transform." She chuckles. " I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Bye." She waves.
"Bye," I say, waving back at her.


It's time for sleeping. I'm about to go to sleep. I switch off the lamp in my room and start to think of Jade. Her shining eyes, her beautiful hair, I had it in deep for her. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door, so I fake sleep.

"Lance? Lance." It is my sister. She calls me softly. I don't answer her, then she leaves. I feel bad because I remember Jade and not my sister.


Today was really fun. It was like everything was back to normal. I had forgotten that Lance had lost his memory and is very sick. I enjoyed myself. But there is something that seemed strange. There was a point when Lance suddenly became careful with his words like he doesn't want me to find out about something. What could he possibly be hiding? I shake off negative thoughts, warning myself not to think too much of things.
I can't wait to go to school tomorrow. It's going to be very interesting.

P.S This book has been completed on Wattpad and Inkitt. I will soon upload it on Dreame. So for those of you who are genuinely interested in how the story unfold, you can check out this book by Naomiobasi7 on Wattpad, or naomiobasi on Inkitt. Don't forgot to like, comment or leave reviews! Thanks so much for reading! It means a lot.

© Naomi Obasi