

I rented a shop near Meiji Shrine, it's quiet here. I usually have a lot of customers in morning. Well that's atleast what I think.
I think I am gonna buy this shop and find a home to call it mine. From past 6 months, I am sleeping in this shop along with the alluring fragrance of flowers, I like sleeping in here but I want to be more stable in my life, cause there isn't really anyone on whom I rely on, tell about my day, or give a flower. Everyone who comes here, comes to take flowers for their loved ones but tbh it doesn't really feel that bad. While I make booke for them they usually tell bout their stories, sometimes happy sometimes sorrowful.
But there's an woman who visits regularly for yellow orchid but never spoke a word to me. And there's an young man who drops every now and then to take white roses but everytime he forgets his belongings and comes rushing back....

I quite likes his looks but I think he already have someone in this life or why else he would buy white roses every Saturday.Well, apart from all this I have decided to try everything that I wish like travelling at night all alone. Did I tell you guys that I have a fear of darkness. Like I am thinking to overcome my fears. From darkness, from loud voices, from crowd, from mirror and many more.

𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙤.....
Lately I don't see people fading away nor I see holes in the hearts. The world looks brighter and brighter everyday. Sometimes it creeps me out but it makes me happy too... That man dropped again, and this time he forgot his handkerchief, god this man!
Wait I have seen it somewhere before but where? Was it back at grandma's place? Oh ya that boy gave me same piece of cloth to clean my face. Is that boy and this man same? Somehow before answering my own question I ran out of the shop to search him. My feets where running on its own, where did he go!
Somehow, the heart beat of heart told me it was him. Oh! He is there but how should I call him, what was his name? Why couldn't I remember it?
I am Almost there, " Please wait" I screamed as loud as I can and suddenly a white light flashed in front of my eyes! I can't feel anything but sense the warmness.

Oh! It's the warmth of blood.......

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