

Interview with a tenant
"Interview with a tenant"

If I would like to share some of my experiences, after I've shifted into my new house?

Hmm...Yes of course I would like to do that, with pleasure.
Well, moving into my new apartment (a three-room apartment) was quite an awesome experience, which went along with some emotional feelings.

I’m referring to that feeling of excitement, wherein you have to start a little bit over again.
Well, I mean with some socially related things, such as getting to know the neighbours and exploring the neighbourhood.

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But discovering the inside of my condo was a way more interesting journey in itself, especially spiritually.
It’s a location with many characteristic features, once inside this place one would almost say that the residence is alive.

Oh, interesting tell me more,
And how did you find out?

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Well, my suspicion started about three weeks ago, after I had renamed one of the rooms into a writer's room, in which I could linguistically linger away in my own world, whenever I wanted.

Yes I take my writing hobby quite seriously and even had marked the entrance door of this room with the letter D.

This is also the room where the cycle of good vibes comes in motion and besides that,
I also feel that my presence in this room triggers me to write more and more.

And last but not least, it was the perfect place in this condo to settle down after a stressful day.

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The only thing that I'm willing to reveal right now, is that my aura connected very well with the present spirit which resided in this room.
And it definitely brought good vibes.

Yes, it was a Tinder-good match and choice, to choose this room over the others.

In my apartment, each room has its own spirit and the advantage of this, is that the room temperature in this house, is always pleasant.

This to the disappointment of my energy supplier, but I don't give a shit.

Even my bedroom gets preheated according to my preferred temperature before I get to bed.

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Somehow, I also thankfully managed to build a sort of spiritual compatible bond with the other two rooms of this apartment, but for some reason the bond with the spirit of room D started to deteriorate.

Last week I woke up around midnight in a very cold room.
I was laying under a warm duvet, but the cold was so penetrating,
as if it almost forced me to get out of my bed and to go turn on the heater.

I immediately knew that this was the work of room D's spirit.

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This spirit has its kind and lovely moments but at the same time it is the most dominant,
hot tempered one and not to mention by times too overthinking about my artistic way of writing.

My first thought was:
“Someone is really angry here and wants to make something clear.”

I jokingly asked the spirit:
“How would you like to inform me about your dissatisfaction,
via a WhatsApp video call or a TikTok message?”

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Deeply and honestly, I actually just preferred the old school phone call conversations, where interlocutors can still interrupt each other during a "live conversation" when something is not clear or is misinterpreted.
But anyways...

I neither wasn’t sure, but somehow I suspected, that we were going to talk about some of my linguistic works on the wall in room D.
Well I remembered, that I’ve been informed earlier, that a part of my work did put the spirit of room D in some uncomfortable, embarrassing situations.

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In these writings I mostly expressed my gratitude for allowing me in your trusted domain.
With my words straight out of the realm of over excitement, I actually knew that I was guilty, busted and involved with this territorial climate change in your room.

Hereby I sincerely apologize for that.

Besides unlike some runaway-politicians, I'm willing to take my responsibilities....
right here, right now...

Suddenly it got quiet for a moment and I patiently waited for what was next to come…

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Subsequently I heard a sound of gentle rolling thunder in my sleeping room and the temperature suddenly returned back to the pleasant warmth.

It was a strange sensation.

It felt as if I was being lulled to sleep, like a small child…hopelessly without a fight I drifted off towards another dimension.

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What was the message and what was being discussed?

Well, I really don't know, how many levels deep in this dream, this conversation took place, but I tried hard to make myself clear, that there was absolutely no question of making any impress in D’s writing room, nor did I agree with the accusations of my stubbornness, pretentiousness or being a show-off.

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But actually I was being myself,
just being authentic as I always have been,
without all these earlier mentioned miserable ingredients.

And even if I were blessed with something attractive, then still I would try to hide it.
Because sometimes these things may hurt the eyes of the unblooming ones.

Maybe that you tried to change me into someone, who I’m not.
Or maybe that I’m that someone you've never met before...
Either way, I really don't know.

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I guess, that this all, has been a misunderstanding in a perception.
And besides, this writer's room had a nice positive effect on my vibe and mental state.

To avoid any kind of jealousy and impartiality,
I even secretly called this room the heart of the house.
But unfortunately my framed words on the wall of your room, were of no avail.

Long story short, eventually I was prohibited from entering the writer's room until further notice.

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The following morning I woke up from a perfect eight hours sleep, but yet felt kind of sad.
I jumped out of bed and walked towards D's room in order to confirm if it was true what I dreamed about.
And the first thing I noticed was a big sign hanging on D’s door saying:
"No trespassing, violators will be prosecuted".

After breakfast I wrote a very short text and slid it under the room door.

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Dear Deedee,
I am grateful for your kindness and generosity when hosting me.
Your hospitality is second to none.

But you really do have to try to understand that not everything in life is meant to be understood.
Sometimes you just have to live your life, agree to disagree and let some things go...

Don’t worry about the things you can't change.

And try to outweigh the good against the bad characteristics of a person.
But I do hope that you could change or reconsider your decision.

Despite the fact that I am no longer welcome in your room, I am more than glad that I’m still allowed to remain in this warm lovely home.

Yours sincerely,
Your Soulmate.

Well thank you mister, I really would like to thank you for this interesting interview.

You are welcome 🤗😉✌🏾!!!
Grisenkho Piqué
Instagram: zakeykalamba2.0 (Grigri & Zack)
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