

When I came to my senses, I found the back of my body was pretty numb from cold. I tried to open my eyes and take in my surroundings. It seemed I was lying in a white haze and the cold.. It was the cold that chilled me to my bones. Wondering where I was I tried to sit up. My head felt dizzy and heavy as if I was on some drug. I had only managed to get half way up when i heard someone yell "Don't move!" I froze (almost literally) as I tried to ascertain the source of the voice. About a few feet from where I was, I observed a lady, gesticulating towards me to remain still. She had short black hair and warm brown eyes which at that moment was wide with concern. "Stay still, I will get you." She said again. Next moment she had passed a rope towards me with a loop on its head. I was wondering how am I supposed to hold it with my hands almost feeling like they were not there when she instructed, "just pass your wristes inside that loop". I did and presently the rope tightened itself on my wrists and she slowly but firmly pulled me forward.
When I had reached her, she freed me and said" There, now you are alright". I looked at her incredulously. I could not for a moment think when I have been ever more less alright than now. The look must have made an impact cause she said, " Don't worry, I will give you something to relieve that cold. Here," she handed me a small bottle filled with a yellowish liquid. "Drink that. You will feel good" she said good naturedly.
"Wait a minute" I said, looking at the bottle doubtfully. " How do I just take your word that this is not going to kill me? After all I have just met you."
She laughed, her eyes twinkling. "You have no choice. Its either that.. or freeze to death." she said with logic.
I figured she was right and without much ado drank the fluid. Instantly a feeling of warmth spread through my body. "Thanks" I said gratefully. "Not a problem. Now please come with me. I need to show you to the priper authorities.. Oh!" here her eyes assumed a dreamy saucer shaped appearance, " they are going to be soo happy! The time machine finally worked!"
I thought I heard it wrong. "Did you say... time machine?" I queried hesitantly.
"Yes!" she said with enthusiasm as we started walking across the snow ( for the first time I noticed that it was everywhere and created the white haze) " all this must be unreal to you.. for you have come to the future. You have just experienced the effect of a highly efficient machine our scientists built. oh! they're gonna be soo proud!" she finished in a breath.
" okay.. so.. can you tell me what i am supposed to know.. i mean.." I tried to frame the whirlwind of questions in my mind into proper words as i fell in step with her.
" I cannot tell you everything which you may want to know.. you see, I only work as a clerk here.. you will have to ask the masters if you want the details.." she said briskly.
"Umm" I tried thinking, " well, you could start by saying your name." I suggested.
She laughed a pretty laugh again.
" My name is Vi. Short for Violet. And I know your name." she put up a hand when i attempted giving an intro to myself.
" May I ask how you know that?" I asked, feeling a tad uncomfortable.
"Its part of the program. You don't suppose we have the time machine bring in anyone as it pleases, do you? Obviously we set the parameters.. or rather the scientists do." Vi explained.
" So.. why did they particularly send for me?" I asked.
" Well, that is easily answered. You see, the place where you have your house at your present, in the same place we have our lab in our present. So sending for you was easiest. No distance to travel." Here her brows clouded a little, "but you should have come in to the interpretation room straight away. Don't know how you landed on the ice... thin ice that too" she shook her head. So that's why she had warned me not to move when I came to. I was on thin ice. literally. One mystery cleared. But it sent me a shiver down the spine thinking of the clsoe shave I have had.
To be continued...

© jb