

People are quick to judge a drug addict,but what they dont understand is that the more you push them away. The more they become involved in drug use. I know because I'm one of addictions victims.. iv lived in hell for so long I became comfortable with it. I was so caught up in the game ,I lost myself, and when I say I lost myself I mean.. I dont know who I am, or who I am capable of being anymore, I went through years and years and years! Of being unhappy, but I somehow convinced myself I was okay. And it was just the come down making me feel so low. But that's not the case, yeah drugs have a big part in your moods,but they take away everything! Your family,friends,kids,homes,relationships, material things, but the most important thing they make you lose is yourself, some people never come back from being so emotionally and mentally disturbed it's the truth but some make it out, and I am one! Iv finally hit that point in life,were I know who I'm capable of becoming. And the thought of how selfishly inconsiderate iv been to my family and friends,and my kid. .. makes me weak. I pray everyone who's addicted, snaps out of it,and gets the help they need, I'm so emotionally unstable in my life right now, iv had to enroll myself in counseling.. because something inside me broke and I dont know how to fix it, nothing I do makes it better, so it's time to get help, it's time to shine. I'm gunna be somebody. .. it's time to shine! And I'll say that a million times. I dont want meth in my life, and I will be dammed if you have a spot in my life if your on it. It's not that I think I'm better then you, but I currently want better for myself. And I'm not risking my sobriety just to see you living the misery I'm working on getting away from. Addiction is hard! It's really fucking hard. And I salute the ones who have made it out, and I pray for those who havent. But with this being said, please find the strength to get help before it's to late, before you start to lose all hope and faith. Get out while you can, it's the devil's scam. Find god, find peace and be free. It's all you need. Dont let the addiction win, dont let life get you as down as me, because in all honesty, it hurts it hurts to feel the way I feel, and meth plays a big role in my life..its always been in the picture, I am who I am because of what I had to endure as a kid,i swore I'd never touch it, just like the needle but i went and did it anyway, because the devil scammed me. But he will not win! I am a child of god,and I'm tired of living in sin... this is my breaking point. I am better than that life and I'm gunna make that change. I will find myself again!