

Mistakes boys make in relationships
Relationships takes two to make. People get into relationships to love and be loved back, share problems, memories.

Mostly boys do a lot of contribution to a relationship. Some fail in the process, some get disappointed, some resolve not to have anything serious. Boys get heartbroken too just as girls. Boys rarely show it but it hurts.

Boys rarely express or show their feelings readily as girls do. Show interest at first stages of relationship as they strive to get the girl. Once they get the girl, most cease to do the things they did at first, going to dates, starting conversation, sending random love texts, flirting with the girl, boy you ought to flirt with her even if she is already yours. Make her feel special in various ways. Show that you care.

Most boys do not get into relationship for right reasons. We get it that some do not like committments and attachments. If so, do not enter into a relationship only to hurt a girl. Be straightforward at the very beginning, make it clear to her that you don't intend to have something serious or refrain from relationships. Stay single, have fun, party. Settle only when you are ready in order to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

Also learn to remember special dates and occasions of your girl. Most do forget and end up making the girl disappointed. It means everything when a guy remember the small details, her birthday, her favourite meal, favourite snack, favourite colour. Even if you got nothing to give, some things are priceless but worth it, such as spending time with her, reminiscing best memories with her, going through an album, cooking together, shopping, cuddling, massaging, skin care. It is the thoughts that count. Some girls are easy to maintain, get happy at slightest attention and affection.
During her days, be with her, pamper her, get her her favourite snacks, watch a movie, massage her abdomen. Give her little surprises, she will love it.

Also, mid who you hang out with as they have an influence on you. If you still hang out with your party boys, being faithful, available to your girl, refraining from partying might be difficult as they may influence you to go out, party thus less time to your girl. Once out of flirting, try commit yourself to your girlfriend. Try avoid flirting with other girls, cut off friends that pressure you to cheat or talk I'll of your girlfriend. Lack of affection, attention and time might cost you.

Also, boys learn to open up. Most like to stack up their problems. It is not boys fault, girls try to understand them too. Mostly boys are raised knowing that you ought to be strong, do not cry, do not be a weakling, withstand hardships, problem solver. It's okay to once in a while voice out your problems, fears, insecurities instead of holding up everything. It does you more harm than good. Share with your girlfriend, confide in her, trust her with your problems. She might not be able to help always but it reduces the burden on you.

Also, when you make mistakes, learn to admit and ask for forgiveness. It does not make you to lose out. When you are unhappy about something with your girl, talk it out with her, do not give her a silent treatment. If angry and cannot contain your anger, walk out, come back and reason out while calm, do not unleash your anger on her.
Try not to break her trust in you. Do not do things that may make her doubt you.

Make it a habit to share and confide in each other, spare time to be with her. Being busy is not an excuse to someone you love and cherish. You can always find time to talk with her, listen to her whims, compliment her, reassure her, encourage her. Support each other's dreams and goals. Let it be the two of you against others.
Pray to God to entrust you the right girl, in order to make a right investment, not to waste time and resources. A girl that will support you in all situations. If you find her, try too to be everything to her, be her world, her stronghold. Pray to God to teach you how to love her.