

We get so caught up with the details that we forget the actual nitty gritties of life :

1. Take you daily medicine dose.
2. Go out for regular walks in nature.
3. Take deep breaths.
4. Consume a healthy diet.
5. Listen to good music.
4. Watch calming stuff.
5. Keep your mind away from negativity like comparisons.
6. Wear a smile on your face.
7. Meditate daily.
8. Excercise : even if it's low intensity workouts like walking/slow dancing.
9. Journal/mind map/ brain dump for clarity and self reflection.
10. Learn something useful - life skill, hard/soft skill, build a growth mindset.
11. Balance your emotions - cultivate equanimity, practise mindfulness.
12. Read regularly self help content to resolve and help with your psycological needs.
13. Outsmart your phone - take technology breaks.
14. Build Reappraisal skills :
Reappraisal is an emotion regulation emotion regulation strategy that can help us reinterpret a stressful situation in a way that helps us reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions. To do it, try to think of a current difficult situation in a way that is less bad (e.g., "at least I have a roof over my head"), or more good (e.g., "this is an opportunity to learn and build character"). The more you practice this skill, the easier it will become.

There are so many different ways that we can improve ourselves and stay away from negativity.

© cacti