

Life 🧬
Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and he/she wondered if he/she would win this time round
Life...Life giving a second chance...Does life give us a second chance? Yes, life gives us second chance to improve ourselves life gives us the second chance to Learn more but everything depends how we use it how we understand that Life is giving us the second chance....If we score less in exam if we can't sing well as a singers doesn't mean you are nothing Life and the work is very large There is your whole life your every next step is a second chance given by life to you ....Life is a race and we are the runners...Our aim should be to learn the things explore our talents in this race not only to run straight and win... Every time you should try to improve yourself every time you should try to learn something new.... You should go with what it comes because what happens tomorrow no one knows we should be ready for everything.... other than thinking about next life or the second chance we should try to understand if you are living it's your second chance....