

Growing up seeing all the superpower stuff, most of us secretly wish for one.

if given a chance, what would you wish for ? 🤔
Well that is a seriously tough question, cause actually I want all of them. Hmmm..... when I actually have to just pick one, I'd rather think it through, right.
Telekinesis, would make my life easier.
Invisibility, would be entertaining,
Superstrength, well.... for protection?
To control water, cool !!!
To play with fire, hotttt 😉
Superman's power... I'm in 🙌
Marvel and DC powers, mouthwatering 🤤
I can go on........ like this.

But when I read it out, there remains one single common factor in all of this.... Nope .... not what you're thinking .... it's something you totally overlooked ........... it's SELFISHNESS.

Yup, all along I just wanted it to be cool, entertaining, some fun stuff.
Not like what these character s truly imply, fighting for the greater good.

Well, then again, these are just characters, not real ?

Ahh, need to change my attitude on that.
What is it that really actually make you happy without , even you realising it?
A token of gratitude, a smile for which you are the reason, a genuine hug you get...... all these u get when you make someone happy. The genuine real happiness, it kind of spreads a warmth within you, something indescribable , and not the happiness you fell when you buy a car, or eating some burgers.... nope.

Again my question, What superpower do you wish for ?
Think and tell please.
Well, for me , after giving it a serious thought, I found my answer.....
The greatest power for me is the power of healing.
Look around you and you'll realise it.
And the pun on the word, here is that...... it is a superpower which is real and you can achieve it in the medical field.
Right now in this pandemic corona situation, who are the real heros ?
What are their superpowers?

There you go......
Wait, but that's not all, in reality you don't need to be a doctor to possess this superpower.
There are tons of ways to heal a person.
Starting from a simple smile ...to a hug ... to spending some quality time with them.
Surely anyone can do that.
So rather than going in search for a super power, wield the one in your hands now, sharpen it to slice the sufferings of those in need, polish it up to refect their happy healing.

So there you go, I wish all of you can use your hidden superpowers and be the hero of another's story .